X - Heaven

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Camilo Madrigal x Reader


Usually the dining room at this hour would be chattering and conversing, but at your presence everyone was so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Camilo looked at his family as a way of giving them a signal to say something.

And then they burst like fireworks.

"Come sit, sit! Hija, feel free to choose a seat." Abuela Alma spoke to you, you released a breath you didn't know you were holding and smiled politely. Abuela Alma has been so different than before, she looked more hopeful and happier now.  You knew what she went through, with all the stories escalating aound the village, she went through so much and you felt relieved. Relieved that she finally had to courage to let the pain go.

'I wish I have it too..'

The Familya Madrigal were talking cheerfully, inviting you with every step. You looked at Camilo who grinned and his father, Felíx, who had a bigger one.

"An unexpected guest, how nice." Agústin Madrigal greeted you on Mirabel's right, with a small wave, " If the girls would have told me a guest was coming, I would have done something more elegant!" Julietta exclaimed next to her husband, glancing at her three girls where one was innocent and two were obviously guilty.

"I didn't know she was here.." Luisa answered from Isabela's left, before looking at you, "It's very nice to meet you." You grinned cheerily, happy to receive a welcome.

"And I, you."

"The rats say you're really  pretty."  A child's voice spoke across your side of the table, next to Dolores was tiny Antonio. The said rats he was talking about must have been those that pop their heads out in the wall. Camilo cleared his throat, as a way of agreeing, but he doubts you would see it that way.

"Gracias, Tonito." You grinned and he glowed.

"I think you are very beautiful  too!" You blushed from the compliment, Dolores softly shushed the young boy with a bop on his nose and he giggled.

"My pretty flower  apppeared right in front of the house, drenched!" Isabela joined in, taking your wrist slowly to guide you in your seat. You turned red, she just refered you as 'her' flower.

"Along with Camilo who was also drenched--" Dolores called out, making Camilo hiss at her, feeling betrayed. You finally took your seat and the family started taking food from the table, Camilo was right, his Tiya Julietta cooks well to the point even the arouma makes you full.

"Ah, may i ask my dear boy how the two of you ended up like that?" Felíx asked, earning a couple of hums from family members who were just as curious. His mother, Pepa, although not noticable, was listening closely; trying to hide an ear-to-ear grin. You looked at Camilo, frozen; as Mirabel added more pancit  on your plate, and Isabela slowly slipping a lupia  in.

He sighed, giving you a reassuring smile as a mean of saying 'I got you'.

"We went to--"

"Wait! Don't answer that!" Mirabel inserted, "Let's make Tiyo Bruno  do that!"

"Mirabel, I hope you haven't forgotten that Brunito sees the future, not the past." Pepa answered, and you felt some sass coming from that woman.

'Ma'am, teach me your ways.'

Mirabel awkwardly giggle while Abuela Alma laughed at the comment, Bruno Madrigal was silently eating, drowning in his own thoughts, you took this time to observe him. The townsfolk were wrong, he wasn't creepy or scary at all, he was fine. He looked tired though, you'll never know where he went all those years. He sensed your stare and looked straight at you, he gave you a small smile, mouthing what seems to be a 'Nice to meet you'.  You smiled, and you hoped he interpreted that as a 'Thank you, you too'.

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