Chapter 10: Epilogue

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I was gonna wait at least a week to post this but I'm impatient :D


To say Pencil was nervous would be an understatement. The only thing keeping her from a full blown mental breakdown, was the fact that Match was probably at least as nervous as she was.

It was their first date after all.

Luckily, since they were going to Fower's party, Pencil didn't need to spend hours looking for the perfect outfit to wear, since she and Match had already picked them out. However, that just left Pencil more time to worry over more trivial things, such as whether or not to bring Match flowers or how to do her hair.

She decided bringing flowers for Match would be a great idea, but that arose more problems: What flowers do I bring? Where do I get them? Does Match even like flowers?

Pencil actually new the answer to that last one, but she couldn't help but panic anyways. There were so many things that could go wrong.

This was going to be unnecessarily complicated wasn't it?

It was fine though, Pencil would climb Yoyle mountain on foot a thousand times if Match asked her to. 

There wasn't much she wouldn't do for Match, and she was happy she could finally express that instead of quietly wishing. She was truly happy.

Pencil was putting her hair back in a ponytail—she can only be so fancy—when she caught a view of herself in the mirror.

She was wearing the suit she'd bought at the mall with Match. It wasn't anything special, a white dress shirt with a black blazer and dress pants, and topped off with a red tie. The arms of the blazer fit Pencil weirdly, so she just decided on rolling up the sleeves to her elbows. Noticing now, while looking in the mirror, that her arms looked a bit bare, Pencil attached a watch to her left wrist.

She checked out her outfit one last time, deciding her efforts to look decent were futile, as Match would definitely steal the show. 

Glancing at her watch (yes, it wasn't there just for show), Pencil realized she didn't have very long until she needed to pick up Match.

Running out of her house and into her car, Pencil went to go text Match she was on her way, when she realized she'd forgotten to charge her phone.

I guess I'll improvise then. She thought, pulling a pen out of the glove compartment of her car.

I'm on my way :) She wrote across her forearm, there for the world to see, and Pencil liked it that way. It was like waving a flag around saying, take that losers I found my soulmate! And Pencil wouldn't have it any other way.

Pencil then started her car, and headed out.

She stopped at a small flower shop on the way, surprisingly running into Eraser, who had the same idea as Pencil, and was struggling to find flowers for Pen.

"You gotta help me Pencil!" He yelled, gesturing towards the mountains of flowers to choose from. "What flowers does Pen like?"

"Why would I know that?" Pencil asked, confused.

"I don't know! Don't you talk to him at all?"

"Yeah, but we don't talk about flowers. Sorry I don't know."

"But he's your cousin!"

Pencil looked at Eraser, raising an eyebrow. "But he's your boyfriend." 

That seemed to do it, Eraser stopped asking for help, and Pencil started her search for flowers for Match. She decided on some Red and pink roses. At least, she thought they were roses, Pencil didn't know much about flowers.

Yours Truly// A BFB Soulmate AuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin