Chapter 8

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Hehe :)


Pencil would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous.

Out of the blue, her soulmate decided randomly contact her, and ask if they could meet up.

No context whatsoever.

Just a random, we should meet.

Pencil hadn't really talked much with them beforehand, it just wasn't really their thing. But all of a sudden her soulmate randomly wanted to meet up?

Now, Pencil knew the reasonable option was to get to know her soulmate better before agreeing. After all, a select few people in the world had been manipulated and kidnapped by their soulmates.

But in all honesty?

Pencil didn't really care anymore. She had made a few questionable decisions that ruined her relationship with the only true friend she ever had. So what if she got kidnapped a little bit? Pencil had decided at an incredibly young age nothing could possibly be worse than losing her best friend.

So, like any reasonable person who lost all meaning in their life, she had agreed to meeting up with her soulmate.

They had both agreed on meeting the next day at a coffee shop that was just down the street from Pencil's house.

She found strange that this person lived in the same city as her, much less knew the not-so-popular coffee shop.

It was called Gelatin's Coffee, and it wasn't very new. It was an old rundown shop, with about five menu options in total. Many people preferred Purple and Yellow Café, which was much newer and had a vast selection of items. It was also bigger, and in a more convenient location.

Pencil still preferred Gelatin's though. It was closer to her house, and the person who ran the store was nice enough. Not to mention her and Match had made so many amazing memories there, starting from when they had first discovered the place in middle school. So, the place always had a special place in her heart.

However, she would admit, the place reminded her of Match way too much. The last time she went, she had just ran away from bumping into Match on a walk, and needed to get away as fast as possible. While she ran, she didn't pay attention to anything or anyone around her. People greeted her as she passed them, but Pencil didn't utter a word. She just kept running.

Eventually, she found herself walking into Gelatin's Coffee for the first time in a while. It was weird, being there without Match. But then again, everything was weird without her best friend.

As she pushed open the door, she was greeted by her cousin, who was working at the cashier. "'Sup Pencil?" Pen greeted as he wiped down the counter closest to him. "Where's Match?"

Pencil didn't really want to talk about it, so she shrugged.

"Man that's so weird! I've never seen you without your bestie."

Pencil lifted her eyebrow. "Bestie?"

"You know like—" Pen had started, before cutting himself off with a sigh. "Never mind. Sit anywhere you'd like, I'll be off in ten so we can chat." He had said, gesturing to the row of tables at the back of the café.

Pencil's memory hasn't always been the best, so if you were to ask what happened next, she couldn't tell you. It all just blurred together into one foggy memory.

Yours Truly// A BFB Soulmate AuWhere stories live. Discover now