Chapter 7

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We're going to ignore the fact the chapters keep getting shorter.

Also side note I was halfway through writing this and I was like: hmmm not enough crying soooooooooooo  :')


Pencil was definitely ignoring her.

Texts, calls, everything, entirely unanswered.

Which sucked because Match knew it was entirely her fault.

Why on earth did she ever think that was a good idea?

She told Pencil she liked Bubble.

Bubble of all people.

Not even someone Pencil could at least tolerate. She said bubble.

Match sighed, looking at the dress she picked out for Flower's party. The one she picked out while at the mall with Pencil, before seeing her probably-crush dressed in a beautiful suit. That was probably going to be the last time she'd see Pencil in that suit.

Dang it. Why did Pencil have to be so stunning?

Seeking something to keep her mind off her extremely gorgeous best friend, Match set the dress down and walked to her room to find the notes for the project she'd be assigned along with the rest of the group she was put with.

"Now where did I put it?" She wondered aloud. "I swear I put them right here." She said quietly, death glaring the empty spot on her bed.

She sighed, walking around her room and checking everywhere, drawers, under her bed, everywhere, until she finally found them stuffed at the back of her book bag.

Match reached in and took out the crumpled notes. This is weird, she thought studying the notes, I normally never let my schoolwork get in this condition. Then it hit her. She still has Pencil's notes she accidentally took instead of her own.

She cursed under her breath. Pencil's handwriting was near illegible, and even though she loved her best friend (probably not platonically she may add), Match will admit, her handwriting was something that probably needed work. Match had a sneaking suspicion it's one of the main factors of her rapidly declining grades. That and the fact that Pencil keeps getting suspended of course.

Match huffed in annoyance. Nothing was going well for her. She probably just lost her best friend over some stupid lie, not to mention she could've prevented it all if she had just told the truth. But alas, she was scared. Terrified even. But she new the second Pencil asked the question, there was very little she could do to salvage the situation.

Over the time Pencil had been ignoring her, Match had replayed the scene in her head, many, many times.

No matter what she said, whether it be she liked Pencil or Bubble, or just denied it entirely, it all had the same outcome.

Pencil looking at her with disgust before swiftly leaving her behind.

Pencil hadn't actually reacted like that, no. Yet Match couldn't help but imagine it as such.

Tears welled up in her eyes. She'd always been quick to cry, and sometimes got bullied for it, but in this situation, shedding a few tears was okay.

Ever since that day, she'd been regretting what she had said.

Now Pencil, her best friend, was ignoring her.

And Match couldn't help but feel as though it was her fault.

Leaning against her door, Match covered her eyes with her shaky forearm as she began to cry harder.

"T-this is so stupid." She began to choke out between sobs. "S-so so stupid."

Eventually, Match found herself sitting on the floor with her back to her door, sobbing excessively, holding on to Pencils notes with a death grip.

"This is so stupid." She repeated once more.

Match closed her eyes tightly in a feeble attempt to stop crying.

She wished desperately for everything to be back to normal. Even if she couldn't date her, Match just wanted to be close to Pencil again. Just Match and Pencil against the world. She wanted to go back to the best friends they once were. No soulmates or crushes.

"This is so stupid!" Match lashed out, throwing Pencils notes across her room, tears starting to finally dry. "Why'd I have to say that?!" Match lectured herself. "Why...?"

Defeated and still the slightest bit angry, Match slumped against her door, letting her arms fall to her sides. "I miss her so much." She whispered to no one.

What was there to do now?

There was really only one thing she could think of, and it hurt her heart to know it had come to this.

In split second impulse decision, she grabbed the pen nearest to her and popped off the cap hastily giving herself no time to turn back.

Without even thinking twice about her decision, Match quickly scribbled on her arm three words that would definitely change her life. She was certain. For better or for worse, she didn't know.

We should meet.

Match wasn't expecting an answer anytime soon, if at all.

Just think about it, someone who you've barley been talking to, for no less than a couple months, suddenly wants to meet you out of the blue.

Match let out a shaky chuckle. She probably seemed so suspicious.

While waiting for a response, Match decided she should walk around town. It was the only thing she could think of that would succeed in getting her mind off pencil.

Putting on her headphones and drying her tears with the arm of her hoodie, she set outside to walk around the block.

Surprisingly, it ended up helping a bit. Halfway through the walk Match realized she had felt significantly lighter than before. Obviously, she was still feeling like absolute garbage, but better than she was before.

That is, of course, until she bumped into Pencil on her walk.

Quite literally Match may add.

As Match stumbled backwards, trying to regain balance, she glanced up at the person standing right in front of her, and she was looking no less shocked than Match.

"P-Pencil?" Match managed to stutter out before Pencil turned on her heal and sped ran off in the other direction. "Pencil wait!" She called after Pencil, chasing her down the sidewalk.

"Pencil please we need to talk!" Match called out, breathless, and in a last attempt to reason with Pencil. Pencil was too far ahead to catch up to now, and Match needed to stop and catch her breath. "Pencil!" She tried yelling, but she was too tired and heartbroken to continue.

"This," she breathed, "is so stupid."

Match turned on her heel and walked away, holding back tears.

"I guess this is where our friendship ends."

She returned home and was walking to her room when she noticed practically illegible writing spreading across her arm.

Sure, we can do that. Where and when would you like 2 meet?

This was turning out to be quite an eventful day.

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