Chapter 5

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Since I probably have covid (hA hA tHaTs fUn) I've been quarantined in my room for the past day and a half so I was like: time to w r i t e

Btw this chapter is mainly filler


Match had spent the good majority of that night talking to her soulmate. And as of right now, she was quite conflicted. Her soulmate had incredibly terrible handwriting, so she couldn't really understand much, but from what she could pick up, they weren't half bad. However, her heart decided it would be a great idea to start catching feelings for her best friend instead.

But, she couldn't really blame herself for catching feelings for Pencil. After all, she was just so incredible in every way, and so far match barely knew anything about her soulmate other than the fact that they liked watermelon.

Plus, she hung out with pencil all the time, while her and her soulmate could barely find any time to talk. Today ended up being one of those days. Her soulmate tried contacting her earlier that morning, but Match had already made plans to meet up with Pencil at a café that just opened up recently. They were probably just going to talk about the science project and the party that's coming up in a few days, but still, Match would much rather do that than talk to her soulmate.

And so that's what she did.

At around 11 in the morning, Match met up with Pencil outside the café, and they were directed to a table for two on the patio near the back of the café.

"Gosh, it's kinda cold out here..." Match muttered as she wrapped her arms around her body to conserve heat. "Why did I wear a t-shirt today?"

Pencil laughed slightly. "I'm not sure, I told you it was going to be cold out didn't I?"

"Well I thought we were going to be inside so I didn't think it mattered!" Match countered, shivering.

"Here," Pencil started, taking off her hoodie. "You can wear my sweater, I'm wearing a long sleeve anyways." She finished, handing the hoodie to Match, who just stared at it dumbfounded.

Pencil is offering me her sweater. Pencil is offering me her sweater. Match thought to herself, quite panicked.

"Um, Match, are you okay?" Pencil asked when Match didn't do anything.

Thankfully, Pencils statement brought Match back to reality. "Oh yeah I'm totally fine!" Match responded as she grabbed the hoodie and put it on. Even though she was most definitely not fine.

The hoodie was slightly big on her, since Pencil was a little bit taller than her. But it nice and warm, and Match was thankfully, no longer cold.

"Thanks Pence-Pence!" Match smiled, grabbing the menu. "What are you going to have?" She asked, scanning quickly through the menu seeing if anything caught her eye.

"I'm not sure." Pencil said truthfully, looking over the menu as well. "I have no idea what's good here. After all, it's fairly new."

Match nodded. "Yeah. They do have milkshakes here though..."

Pencil snapped her head up from the menu. "Match no. Last time you ordered a milkshake you drank half of it and basically got high off the sugar."

"But Pencilllll—" Match started, but was cut off by someone walking to their table.

They wore a black suit and had short brown hair that was tucked behind their ears. They also held a small notebook in one hand and a pen in the other. "Hello! My name's AJ! I'll be your waiter today!" They said, smiling and bouncing up and down.

They have so much energy. Match thought to herself looking at the waiter, who looked like they had just injected pure caffeine into their veins.

"And just saying, you guys make the cutest couple!" They said, placing down one hand and leaning on their table.

Match ended up choking on air as Pencils face turned bright red. "I'm sorry," Match said, still choking on air. "What?"

Pencil shook her head aggressively. "We're not dating..." she whispered, with a slight hint of sadness in her tone that Match didn't end up noticing.

"Well of course you're not dating yet" AJ continued, "but-"

"AJ, for the last time, stop tormenting the costumers." Another waiter interrupted, serving customers a couple tables down.

Their waiter just rolled their eyes at the other. "So what would you guys like to drink?" They asked, taking their hand off the table and clicking their pen a couple of times.

Match looked down at the menu again before responding. "Could I have a milkshake please?" She asked, earning a playful sigh from Pencil.

The waiter quickly jotted something down in their notebook, then looked at Pencil.

"I think I'll just have a water" Pencil said, earning a groan from the waiter as they wrote in their notebook, mumbling something along the lines of "that's so boring."

The waiter then clicked their pen a couple of times and looked back at the two girls. "Are you ready to order your food too?" They asked, and Pencil quickly glanced glanced at Match before nodding.

Once they finished ordering, (which took way longer than it should've because their waiter refused to be cooperative.) Pencil and Match engaged in light conversation not really talking about anything in particular. It was nice. They both just lightly joked around enjoying the other's company. But eventually they somehow ended up on the topic of soulmates, which seemed to be a reoccurring topic in a lot of their recent conversations.

And once they were on the topic of soulmates, it didn't take long before Match accidentally mentioned that she may or may not like someone that wasn't her soulmate.

"Wait, you like someone other than your soulmate?" Pencil asked.

Match just nodded slowly, not trusting herself to speak.

"Can I ask who it is?" Pencil asked, sounding slightly hopeful for some reason that Match didn't understand.

Match just sat there silently, staring at the table. She couldn't just say, you, but I'm not entirely sure yet cause emotions are confusing. And she couldn't deny it either seeing as she at just specifically said she liked someone different.

Shoot this is not good. She thought to herself. She couldn't not tell her either, her and Pencil told each other everything, so that would be extremely suspicious.

So with no other options Match cleared her throat and quietly whispered, "It's, uh... it's Bubble..." it was a lie, but it would have to do for now.

Match was looking at the ground so she didn't notice, but Pencils face immediately lost all its colour.

"That's... that's great Match..." Pencil was able to cough out. "Look, uh, I need to go, I promised I'd help my dad with, uh, something." Pencil said as she got out of her chair and pushed it in. She then handed Match some money to pay for the meal. "I'll, uh, see you at the party... if I go..." Pencil whispered the last part quietly enough so that Match couldn't hear.

Match sat at the table completely silent as she watched Pencil walk out of sight before looking down at the hoodie she was still wearing. "Pencil, your sweater..." she mumbled.

What have I done...

"Do you still want your grilled cheese?" The waiter questioned, holding two plates of grilled cheese.

Match shook her head, refusing to speak. She just tossed the waiter the money Pencil had given her and walked away.

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