Chapter 14 : The Past (Part 2)

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         Her sister and her parents were dead lying on the floor with blood splattered all around the room . They had multiple gunshot and Stab wounds visible all over their bodies .

And what's the most thing that betrayed y/n was the sight of all of her friends standing there with blood all over their bodies as well.

And it didn't take more then a few seconds to realize that the blood was not theirs .

She looked at Nick who had a knife in his hands and that had confirmed her suspicions.
They had just murdered her family . Her so called friends .

Y/n screamed and broke down right there . Her sister and her mom and dad were dead ... dead ... DEAD !! Just like Aidan !!!!

Asher and the others tried to calm her down but y/n screamed at them and said "DONT YOU DARE COME NEAR ME YOU MURDERERS !!!"

"Murderers ?" Nick asked confused and everyone else was confused as well .

Allison made a realization face and said "Wait y/n oh god it's not what it.."

Y/n didn't even listen to Allison , she immediately stood up and locked the door locking the murdered inside .

They all yelled at y/n to listen to them but y/n knew they were trying to deceive her .

She immediately ran to her vault and took out the pieces . And soon she combined them and formed the map . EGYPT.

She ran to the jet while sobbing . And used her flight skills and drove the jet to Egypt .

She went to the Triangle Giant Brick or Whatver it was called . Y/n was crying all the way .

She immediately found the cliche mountain and activated the TSO weapon . She wasn't sure what it was but after reading the manual . She had a idea .

She inserted all 15 keys . And activated the weapon soon a white bright light burst from the pyramid and engulfed the entire world .

And y/n felt her mind expand . She had the power to control every human in the world now .

She made her first wish "NO MORE MURDERERS" and soon she was able to feel the presence of all the serial killers and killers of the world .

One by one y/n made them commit suicide or locked them up depending on their victim list . Until she connected to one certain serial killer ..........

Aidan Ryan Gallagher ........ he was still alive and in all his glory .......

Y/n felt tears sting her eyes again ...... He was alive ......

Y/n disregarded her earlier wish locked up all the killers , she subconsciously tried to make the world a better place .

And she subconsciously thought about all those times she thought about Aidan ..... and the. Subconsciously she made Aidan come to New York a year after .

In that one year though she. Dealt with the TSO by mind wiping their memories . Allison and Ricky had managed to escape somehow .

Marcy wasn't responsible so she decided to keep her around .
She was her only friend now .

Y/n made the world a better place but by choosing a violent path .

Eventually she met Aidan again .... She played her favorite high school story line .... And made Aidan believe she was meeting him for the first time after years .

She made herself forget the trauma of her dead family and the betrayal of her friends .

At no point had she thought she would play Boyfriend with Aidan .

But turned out she couldn't control emotions . And what Aidan was feeling was genuine . That meant he really did love her more than a friend .

     And soon to y/n's surprise .... She was pregnant .

She was finally happy . And soon 9 months later she had given birth to her 3 little angels .

  She subconsciously began to erase all predators as well . She wanted to grow her children up in a perfect world .

And everything was going perfectly as planned .....

Until The cops came and damaged her control over Aidan .......

END OF FLASH BACK ...............

   Y/n stood there . She had just told her part of the story . And she looked at all her once so called friends .

    But not to her surprise she saw no signs of remorse or guilt . But to her surprise she saw sympathy and sadness .

     Allison said : "Y/n that's the thing . We didn't kill your parents nor Jamie.
A. group of rogue people that once worked for the Light attacked the base .
     We didn't reach your family in time until it was too late . We were busy killing the a**holes that murdered them in the first place ." She said with her signature smile that y/n once loved .

  Y/n looked at her in shock . It couldn't be true . It just couldn't . She shock her head . She immediately went to Allison's mind and Allison sighed and allowed her to look .

   And to y/n's horror she was telling the truth . A group of rouge people who once had attacked the Light were the ones who killed her family .

      Y/n felt tears in her eyes again , So it was true......

Allison gave y/n a smile and she then hugged her ....

    Allison hugged her despite the fact that y/n was gonna kill her a while earlier . That just broke y/n up more .

    Allison whispered to y/n out loud : "So y/n please stop this madness ..... please I want my best friend back."

   Everyone including Aidan who was sitting in the tree still while in immense shock noticed that y/n seemed a little too quite .

  Y/n finally spoke up : "But this doesn't change anything does it Allison ......"

  She had just gotten in her serial killer mode ........ and things weren't looking to great .....


              CLIFF HANGER

Authors Note :

Hi readers !

How was stone chapter !

Hope you all enjoyed ! If so vote and comment .

Who loved the plot twists .
Also was this shocking at all to you guys ?

Anyway I am off to head to write the last chapter of this book......
Also what do you think is going to happen .....

Whose gonna die..... I mean whose gonna win ??? 😇😌😎

Anyway see you soon !
Bye 👋

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