Chapter 9 : The Mind Controller

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Author's Note : 

Oh God ..... If you all can't tell .... i am so excited for this chapter . Hopefully i can deliver it perfectly . This is it .

   This is it ladies and gentlemen . The moment y'all have been waiting for . TO Find out who the villain is and what's the plot of this story . 

Now before hand warning ....... This book and it's characters are different than the original Book . So anything can happen . They are smarter as well.

  This chapter is gonna be chaotic and stressful af. As the title suggests.....

And oh boy are y'all in for a surprise . My big plot twist is revealed ....



     Aidan's POV :

             I was sitting on the couch with y|n who was on a wheel chair cause she was too tired to walk and Marcy who couldn't stop commenting on how adorable our kids were .

           Speaking of them , my three little angels were sleeping in their respective cots soundly without a care in the world.

          I kissed Y|n on the lips and just like always felt the electricity flow through me . This love was real their was no denying that .

         I had yet to tell her about the fact that some creeps were mind controlling us..... and could do whatever they want with us .

       But i didn't want to stress her more cause she literally just gave birth to our three little angels. 

    I hope the others aka my other family can find this Allison and Ricky in time . According to Asher those two had gone missing . The moment they realized what was happening to the world.


          General POV :

                 Detective Reginald Herb sat at his desk . He was smoking his cigarette and he inhaled the smoke throw his nostrils and watched it exhale throw the air along his brown hair .

           He was a muscular man for a detective and aged in his 30s . He had been trying to catch the serial killer that was killing in USA . His latest or rather last kill was a girl named Millie.

          After that the killer had disappeared without a trace . And it's been a year almost .

        Reginald wanted to catch this guy bad. He was risking his entire career for this. He had a theory that almost 400 of the murders that happened in the recent years were linked together .

       But no one believed him .

     He sighed . All of a sudden his phone began to rang . Reginald picked it up with a huff and annoyed considering he wasn't in the mood right now . But oh boy was he rewarded .

    A unknown girl probably in her teens or early adulthood was on the phone based on her voice . The girl said : "Is this Detective Reginald ?"

  "Yes, speaking ." he replied .

   "Detective don't bother asking me who i am and why i know what i am about to tell you." the girl said .

  "okay ??" he said confused .

 " I know you are searching for the killer responsible for Millie's death. and i know who he is . And he hasn't just killed Millie. He's killed over 500 people . I know about the top secret death in river dale as well." The girl replied .

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