Chapter 13 : The Past (Part 1)

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Authors Note :

Hi readers ! Didn't expect me this soon huh ?
Well I am on a frenzy right now . Cause I have gained motivation to end this book today .

So any grab your tissues and Enjoy Y/n"s or rather yours back story on how all of this started in the first place .

Hope you all enjoy . Also Side note . sorry if this chapter may seem longer than usual .So I had to split it in two parts .

Enjoy !

Flash Back ! 2 YEARS Ago .............

General POV :
       Y/n sighed . She was sitting with her best friends Marcy and Allison and Ricky .

     Allison and Ricky were siblings. They had lost their mother Maria last year . She had died because she had Cancer .

    But from what she heard , she had died or passed away happily without worry .

   That's the thing that made Allison and Ricky strong .  But Allison still was grieving . Or rather she had been in almost a Denial like state in that matter .

    Allison and Y/n met because there families were friends with each other .

     After Aidan died a few years ago , Y/n had become truly heart broken to the point where she hand eaten properly for weeks . She hadn't spoken for months .

  But eventually she went back to normal again . That was the first heart break of her her life . Losing Aidan or so she thought .

   After Aidan's death by an unknown serial killer , and his families as well , y/n's parents got paranoid .

    They revealed to y/n the secret of their family aka her TSO USA heritage .

  Yeah she was basically a cliche royal .  But apparently that secret came with a cost . Her parents had hired professional yet kind trainers for y/n and occasional assassins as well . But obviously they made sure she wouldn't get injured .

  They trained her and pampered her . But when she turned 13 she finally grew out of that stage and leaned other techniques like the art of Murder . Which wasn't quite thrilling if she was being honest .

     Her parents then revealed another secret . Her serial killer genes and it was safe to say she freaked out . Jamie on the other hand had known all along .

And y/n gave her hell for it . Cause sisters don't keep secrets .

    But still her love for her parents and sister only increased and progressed as time went by .

  It wasn't long until all TSOs had a peace treaty because a organization called the light wasn't a threat anymore and there were no longer any rivalries now as well and it wasn't long after that Y/n meet Allison and Ricky and Micheal .

    Those 2 were related to the TSO UK .

   Ricky and Allison and Y/n had clicked immediately . And they soon became best friends . Micheal had also became her friend as well. But unfortunately he had his duties .

   Ricky and Allison had Decided to move to New York to be with y/n .

    Under supervision of course .

     That's when they had met Marcy . And it wasn't long after when they visited TSO Canada and met The Gallaghers.

   One Gallagher in particular had caught y/n's attention . Nick Gallagher . For some reason he looked like a photo copy of what Aidan would have looked like had he survived . And the last name Gallagher wasn't helping her at all as well .

  Asher and Nick and Y/n had became friends as well . And with Nick came Krist. His childhood friend.

    Which was kinda ironic for y/n .

     They would met up every once in a while to hang out . And it wasn't long after they all made 2 other friends Ben and Amelia . From TSO China and TSO Russia respectively .

          Life was the literal definition of perfect at that point for y/n . And she couldn't be more happier .

      But deep down she still felt the loss of Aidan hit her like a ton of bricks .

    And thats how she met Allison and the others .

   Y/n sighed as she thought about all those memories while sitting on the table ,

   Allison exclaimed "So guys are we still going to the Party ?"

   Obviously Party meant TSO meeting . But we were too smart to not say that in public .

   We all nodded . Marcy was the only one who wasn't technically related to TSO . But everyone had grown a liking to her especially y/n and maybe Asher as well .

  Cause she had a feeling that Asher liked Marcy in more than one way . And she was sure that Marcy like Asher too .

So y/n was just waiting for the Ship to sail .

Long story short they arrived . All of them at her TSO USA base .

     Amelia, Ben , Michael , Krist , Nick , Asher , Ricky , Allison were as well . Marcy had chosen to not come this time .

     They all arrived and happily greeted each other .

  Y/n was tired so she went to the room to get some sleep cause they had played games all day long . But for some reason they were all acting weird today .

     Maybe it was her imagination .But it was strange none the less .  Her room was sound proof .

    So she could make all the noise she wanted . And fun part was that any noise from the outside was completely cut off as well.

    But that same night she woke up and she realized she forgot her water bottle . It was in her parents meeting room .

  She sighed and went towards there leaving her massive room . But on the way there she heard Ben say : "Guys the Keys Aren't here ."

   Allison's voice was next to be heard : "Yeah . Do you think it's some where else . The keys to the secrets TSO weapon ."

   The voices were that of her friends . But she was confused . Why weren't they sleeping and why were they awake and in her parents meeting room and most of all why were They talking about the 15 TSO KEYS.

  The keys were in a hidden safe in y/n's bedroom and not in the main safe . Her parents trusted y/n with that secret . After the peace treaty all TSOs had agreed to give up their respective keys and map pieces to TSO USA considering her TSO was the most trust worthy one before the Gallaghers .

   But why were her friends..... y/n's thoughts were cut off when she saw the most horrifying nightmarish sight ......

    Her sister and her parents were dead lying on the floor with blood splattered all around the room . They had multiple gunshot and Stab wounds visible all over their bodies .


                        CLIFF HANGER

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