Chapter 8 : The Birth

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Author's Note :

  Hi dear readers !

How are you ? How was your day ? Hope it was great. :)

Quick reminder .... 7 Chapters remaining :)

And let's just say this book will feature one of my biggest plot twists in my entire arsenal .... the biggest plot twist i have ever made yet. 

Also i decided to be generous today . 3 Characters are gonna die in this book confirmed............ 

I might decide more later though.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and that information :)


Aidan's POV :

      I sat there along with Marcy shocked to the core. Asher had just told us about the secret history of T.S.O . And to say i was shocked and surprised would be a understatement .

     "Now i know this might be hard to believe but....." Asher stared but then he was cut off.

   "Understatement of the year Asher." Marcy said cutting him off.

        I used my brain and then asked : "Asher you mentioned earlier saying that something was happening now, what do you mean ?" 

    Nick replied : "Yeah remember the Secret Weapon of TSO , the world mind and emotion controlling weapon we mentioned just now.. Guess what .... we have reason to believe someone has already activated it and is controlling this entire world from the shadows.. NO PUN INTENDED".

   "WHAT ?!" Marcy and I screeched and rose up from our seats .

   "Yep are under the influence of someone even as we speak but we haven't noticed it yet. My suspecions  are on A rough abandoned organization called the Light . But that organization was abandoned years ago . But their main agenda was gaining the weapon." my dad replied .

   "Wait do we have any prove of that ?! that we are under someone's mind control ?!" ,Marcy asked shocked.

  " Yep . Watch the news . Crime rates have decreased 99% world wide . Racism , sexism and other things aren't mattering anymore.... and let's not forget that every country isn't on the brink of war anymore.. These are the good things . but the worst things are that ...... let's just say they aren't good. People are dying . Good and Bad. Whoever has the weapon is gaining power." My mom said.

    "WEll that could mean anything ......" i said trying to convince myself. 

  "Nope. All the missing pieces to the secret map of TSO are missing as well and no one even us has any memory of it. And there's the case that people who want revenge are getting it, and lovers are getting married at alarming rates. Aidan and Marcy. Tell me what have you done the last two years...." Nick Asked.

 Wait lovers were getting too close too soon . That sounded a bit too close to what was happening with  me and y|n, oh no were we together because of the mind control ?! wait no lovers. we are lovers .

   Marcy replied confidently : "I was with y|n . we went to vacation to hawaii .... like we always wanted.... and then again next month.. and then again..... and again....". 

    Marcy looked at everyone in shock . She and Y|n had been doing the same thing over and over until I arrived.

 "Well i was being a serial killer. i Killed Millie and.......... *BLANK* and i.... i don't remember anything ........." I said in shock as well.

  "What the f*** !!!!!!" WE said in unison .

   "Don't worry you guys aren't alone. Everyone in each TSO including us have been doing the same thing over and over and then having no realization over it. We only developed an immunity of sort because of our serial killer genes. Our concsiousness is aware of what's happening but our body will still work  according to the will of the mind controller." Krist said disturbed as well.

   "Wait so you guys having any leads or no ?" I asked horrified . Krist by the way was Nick's soon to be wife. They were childhood friends apparently.

  "Well our sources do suggest a duo of siblings named Allison and Ricky but they seem innocent" Asher replied.

  All of a sudden my phone began to rang and it was y|n and i immediately picked up and put it on speaker for some reason.

 "Aidan !!!! my water broke !!! get your a** back here quick !" Y|n screamed while moaning (in pain).

    I immediately dropped the phone and my parents exclaimed : "We are about to be grand parents ?!?!"

    I nodded and they booked a direct flight to new york and with in an hour marcy and I were on our way flight to New York.

   We arrived within 5 hours and rushed to the hospital y|n directed us too. My family wanted to come as well but they thought that might endanger y|n and us if someone spotted them .

    AnD oh boy the moment Marcy and I arrived at the hospital and asked the receptionist to direct us to the room number..... oh boy the moment i opened the door room.... it was a God damn mess. 

  Doctors and Nurses were running around while a few nurses were talking to y|n trying to calm her down.

    Y|n on the other hand was screaming and moaning in intense extreme pain . I had never seen anyone go through so much pain and it was heart wrenching to see her like this.

   She was tearing and sobbing . Then all of a sudden her eyes met mine and despite all the pain she was feeling . A smile rose across her pained face and a smile lit up .

   A nurse came to me and asked : "Are you the father ?"

    I nodded and then she said with a smile : "Congratulations sir , you are about to have triplets . Stay with your .... um wife ? and don't worry we have everything under control .,"

I stood there shocked . 3 BABIES ?!?!?!?!

     And within the next few hours y|n and my entire life changed from the moment the first cry of my first baby roamed across the room . and soon 2 others followed after a few minutes as well.

  Miles Gallagher , Max Gallagher and Mia Gallagher ..... 2 boys and 1 girl . My children ....... Y|n and i had tears in our eyes . y|n held all 3 of them and looked at me with a heart melting smile.

  we had made these beautiful kids together .

  Y|N asked : " Aidan or should i say Daddy Gallagher... no kink intended , won't you join us ?".

   I immediately nodded and all 5 of us laid on the hospital bed together in peace without a care in the world . I even forgot about the fact that y|n, marcy and i were under mind control by this supposedly allison and Ricky .

   In a few hours we got the green pass and all 5 of us, excluding marcy who had gone home to welcome us, were heading home now. This was my family.

  And i will protect them always......... even if it takes my own life then so be it .


Author's Note :

Hi readers how was the chapter ?

VOTE AND SPAM COMMENTS if you liked it .

The enemy will be revealed soon . and yes everyone is under the mind control .

Allison and Ricky might be making a come back ... maybe idk

My plot twist is yet to come .

Hope y'all enjoyed . 

BYE !!!


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