Chapter 4 : The Whereabouts

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Author's Note :

Jesus ...... Honeyyy when i say ALOT of you guys have gone crazy and ballistic....... It's not an exageration.

You all have been personally texting non stop "where's the new chapter?! why isn't the new chapter here .... like wha....''

And when i say some of you have gone to extreme extents ... i am not kidding .

Y'all have been burning down my houses, stealing my properties, graffitying my walls , stalking me at night and last but not least Kidnapping my family members .............

LIke wth . So TO please y'all and to calm you down i have decided to update this book .

ENJOY :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YEAR : 2020

Aidan's POV :

I sighed as i looked at my surroundings . The river was flowing slowly but steadily. The noise of the water was calming yet soothing .

Upon a close up glance it was almost crystal clear. I knew better . Every thing that seems peaceful and calming isn't always such .

This same river can drown a person or an animal and take his or her life away so easily and mercilessly .

I sighed for what like the hundredth time that day . I went towards the river and saw my reflection . I was naked ... completely naked and all alone .

I looked like a innocent 17 year old young boy but i was anything but . This time i looked at the river again and i noticed my state .

Yes i was naked ... but i had blood covered all over my body. Coated all over me like Hershey Syrup .

I look behind me and see the girl i had just fu*ked roughly with her consent of course . 'Millie' was the girl's name . Thankfully i had worn their was a river near by . Right in front of us . I could clean the sexual 'mess'.

And the blood to of course . I had killed Millie the moment we had finished having s*x. With a Butter knife and a butcher knife .

I made sure to get rid of my DNA . Wouldn't want anyone to know that i am alive and well and a Serial Killer.

Over the past Years i have killed over 554 people . Now thanks to Millie i have now killed 555 people now.

I went towards Millie's lifeless dead body and took a picture of her . I would have preferred some clothing but we did have s*x so she was naked .

That was kinda my thing . I took a picture of people before and after i killed them . For the sake of memories of course .

No one over the years had been able to figure out the murders . Once a few police officers from RiverDale had come near to figuring it out but i took care of them of course ..... Let's just say there was a freak accident and they lost their lives.

I took a quick river bath and relaxed . I let the euphoria sink in . I was lost deep in thought . For some reason i was feeling off lately . I just killed Millie and i did feel the adrenaline and the exhilarating feeling of blood lust and euphoria of course but not to the usual level.

I sighed again . I then suddenly grinned darkly...... today was my last day in this town . Tomorrow i was gonna go to New York City and start my killing spree their !!!! YES !!!!

Suddenly all of my thoughts were lost to oblivion and i felt utter joy that others would describe as sick or twisted joy.

I can't exactly blame them for something they don't understand . Killing makes me feel alive . Killing makes me feel free. Killing was what saved me from cruelty and killing is what that's giving me joy to my life.

     I sighed yet again , was this all worth it ....... I suddenly snapped myself forcefully out of my thoughts . What the hell was I thinking just now !?!

    Of course this was worth it . This was my soul purpose now ... and nothing will ever change that .

    I gulped at the invasive thought as I dumped Millie's body into the river and watched it flow away with the river as if it were one with nature .

      I then went to my car and wore some clean cloths and drove of .

      I drove all the way 3 hours to New York City . I had an Alias . A new name and identity . And legally approved of course .

   Not that the authorities would know that of course .

    I looked at my ID which said "Aidan Hargreeves". A amusing yet rugby last name .

    It was dumb to put my actual name first but let's be honest . The world thinks that the actual Aidan Gallagher , the sweet innocent boy died years ago .

  Besides no one would remember me any way. No one alive of course .

    I sighed and used $250,000 Dollars and bought a small yet comfy 3 bedroom , 4 bathroom , 1 dining hall , 2 kitchen with one basement and attic and 2 story house .

   It was cheap and furnished . I was surprised too at first because of how cheap it was .

     I had already contacted the property dealer prior and paid online .

     The property was shocked by how quick the house was sold as well .

    She was surprisingly surprised at her surprised surprising expression .

     The moment I entered town I headed to my favorite place in the world. A coffee shop .

   Starbucks of course .

   I ordered the most expensive and best coffee they had to offer and it was heavenly delicious . But the draw back was that I had to pay extra cause it was vegan coffee .

       I was vegan and I murdered flesh . That would be what one would assume . But I was vegan not because I killed people but because I loved animals .

    Don't get me wrong I would kill any animal any time of the day but eating it seems wrong .

     But maybe not eating it seems wrong too . Who knows . But I am a designated vegan .

     I drank the coffee and swallowed it .

    I then went home and Smiled like Harry Potter who found out Baldy had killed his parent .

    Wait maybe tHat's the wrong example ....... But you get the idea right readers ?

I sighed and shook my head , their obviously weren't any readers who were creepily reading what's gonna happen in my life .

   I sighed as I filled the form . The form for high school admission. Education is essential . Even for a serial killer like me🙂.

   Tomorrow I start school .


Authors Note:

Hi readers !
How was the chapter ?

I know it was kinda boring but bear with me .

Vote and Comment if you liked it .

So I promise the future chapters are gonna be exciting and be everything I promised they would be .

   So any way see you Soon .

Bye !!



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