Chapter 4

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I began crying again when he called me his little princess not wanting to accept the fact that I was the lost princess of Belgium I have heard so much about over the years. Every 3 months over the years a small article have been made in the country you are in about news on the lost princess of Belgium. Usually, it is just the same thing that is written that nothing has come to light and that she is still missing but I don't really know. My parents have always forbidden me from reading the news on the missing princess and if what Tae says is true then I know why. They wouldn't want me to figure it out and that is also why I have always been told to go with contact lenses and to never take them off in front of anyone, not even my little sister can see me without them only my parents I am not sure is my real parents anymore. I found my phone again as I began searching for old articles about the missing princess. My hand went up in front of my mouth to stop my sobs from escaping through me and my body started trembling and even more, tears fell down. Descriptions on descriptions were made of her and tons of pictures shoved how she looked like as a little girl and how she may look like as a 17-year-old girl. The girl looked just like me and I couldn't escape or lie myself out of this one, I was indeed the lost princess of Belgium. My phone beeped with a new message from Laura that said all lessons were canceled tomorrow except for the lecture from a secret person we don't know about yet. I just texted "Sweet" back to Laura before I went back to looking out at the sun that was nearly disappeared behind the tall building of campus and the rest of Bolton. I sat there for hours before finally feeling the courage to go home and act like nothing was wrong with me and just go straight to bed. I stood up and checked on my camera that you couldn't see I had been crying before I went down and walked towards my apartment. To get to my apartment I had to go through a small park where I saw him, Benjamin, and a third person standing there talking seriously. They heard me coming and stopped talking and just as Tae was taking a step towards me my tears started running again and I started running to get home faster so I could fall asleep crying. When I walked into the apartment, I found Laura sitting on Jonathan's lap laughing at something with him and Colton sitting beside them looking really worried about something. He relaxed when he heard me come in but quickly looked worried again as he saw my crying face and running nose. Instead of answering their questions I just ran into my room and laid down in my bed with the quilt over me and cried even more. I heard my door open and Colton come in as I could always recognize his heavy footsteps. The bed dipped on my right side and I felt him lay down next to me and rub my back while comforting me in my misery. I turned around and buried my face in his strong chest while his arms wrapped around me rubbing my back up and down. At some point, I fell asleep with my tear-stained face and running nose on top of Colton and didn't hear Laura and Jonathan come in and ask Colton if he knew what was wrong.

The next morning, I woke up and tried to move but found a force holding me down. I tried to get away and only first realized it was Colton when he groaned at all my moving and I felt something hard come to life underneath me. As soon as I came to understand what it was my cheeks reddened to a deep red color and I lay still not moving an inch barely breathing.

"Sorry" I squeaked out when I knew Colton was awake and knew what was going on.

"You don't have to be sorry about anything, it happens and besides, I can't deny that you are a really pretty girl," he said in a really deep sexy morning voice that would have my toes curl if it wasn't for the fact that I am not interested in any relationship right now.

"You think I'm pretty?" I asked him in a sweet voice

"Amelia, of course I think your pretty have you looked yourself in the mirror lately"

"Actually, I haven't my life has been too busy to check myself out," I said with a little laugh while rolling of him without touching anything because that would be awkward.

"Happy birthday my little princess, you are now officially 18 years old and an adult" I had totally forgotten about everything that happened last day until he mentioned princess and I became sad again.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" he asked suddenly worried about my change of mood "What happened yesterday?"

"It's, it's just that I got news about my father being admitted to the hospital yesterday," I said lying through my teeth not wanting him to know the truth.

"Wooow, what happened to your eyes?" he asked when I looked up at him. Shit, he saw my eyes I thought to myself as I hurriedly looked down again and rubbed my eyes.

"Nothing it is just contact lenses I am wearing"

"Amelia look at me, those are not contact lenses and it's not the only lie you have told today, your father is not admitted to the hospital right, tell me the truth I promise not to tell it to anyone, not even Laura and Jonathan"

"Your right they are not contact lenses it is my real eye color and I have been wearing contact lenses ever since I was a little girl. Yesterday I bumped into some guy, it turned out to be my Christmas exam partner Benjamin parker and we talked a little until one of my contact lenses fell out and Benjamin saw it. I had noticed he had the same eye color as me, but I ignored it but when he saw mine he called after some guy that was waiting for him and he asked him to look into my eye and that's when the new guy whispered Caliah"

"Wait Caliah as in the lost princess of Belgium Caliah!?"

"Yeah, that Caliah"

"But how, when, where!?"

"I don't know how, when, or even where. The earliest memory I have is of my family down in Spain but I have always had this dream about a little boy calling my name Caliah and then I would run towards him and call him Tae and he would engulf me in a hug. And yesterday when I was on my way back away from them because I couldn't take it anymore the other guy Luke ran after me and he told me that the only family in the world with silver-purple eyes is the Belgium royal family and that the princess of Belgium got kidnapped 15 years ago and disappeared from the face of the earth. He also told me that the necklace I always wear was given to me by him the day I was born and that Caliah always used to Call him Tae because that was the only name of his she could say. And when he said the name something clicked in me and I remembered him as the little boy in my dream. I whispered the name and he engulfed me in a hug"

"Wow I can't believe you are the lost princess of Belgium, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know Colton, today I just want to forget about it all and just enjoy my birthday with you guys, go to the lecture, and have the rest of the day off just relaxing. Just promise me not to tell anything to anyone especially not Laura and Jonathan I don't want anyone to know of it yet"

"I promise, now go get in the bathroom before they come in and discover your unique eye color" he ordered me.

"Okay dad"

"Yeah, yeah, take these with you" he ordered me yet again before I looked down at what he was holding.

"We are going out riding?!" I asked excitement filling my voice.

"Yes, we are my little sweat pee, now get going if you don't want to be late and miss the chance"

I squealed in joy as I walked into my bathroom and shut the door. Turning on the shower knob I took my clothes off and brushed my hair through before walking in under the showerhead and feeling the hot water hitting me. I cried a little as the water fell down me and I washed myself. Stepping out I looked at myself in the full-length mirror or more like looked at the birthmark I have on my right hip bone formed as a crown. I stood there long enough for the water to drip of me and for me to become dry. Shaking out of my stupor I began getting ready, taking the clothes on Colton had given me, brushing my teeth, putting my contact lenses on, and just letting my hair fall freely down my back in waves. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time giving me a sad smile about the whole situation I'm currently standing in and decided that today will be a good day and I can worry about my problems tomorrow. Smiling I walked out taking my phone with me, tucking it in my pants before walking out to the others to eat breakfast. 

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