Chapter 34

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"Uhg" Lewis grunted as a small smile made it's way to my lips.

He finally opened his eyes, "Good morning sleeping beauty" I giggled.

He smiled and pulled me closer by my naked waist.

He pecked my lips and smiled, "Last night was amazing" I smiled with a blush on my cheeks.

He nodded and stood up pulling the sheets up with him. I quickly grabbed the comforter, "What?" he asked clearly amused, "You're gonna hide from me now?" he chuckled, "After last night."

I laughed and threw the pillow his way as he turned back walking to the bathroom laughing.

I turned over and grabbed my phone, 08:41 Monday morning.

Yesterday after Lewis won the race we came here and had a little candlelight dinner on the rooftop while just talking, sharing all our thoughts.

We rushed back into the hotel because it was getting cold and started to drizzle, we ran while laughing, me with my heels in my hands, him with his jacket.

When we got to the room we layed down on the bed, he turned over to me and started kissing me, one thing let to another and here we are now.

I smiled at the thought of last night, suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked propping myself up by my elbows.

"How are you my darling?" my mom's voice came through the phone.

I smiled, "Hey mom, I'm doing good and you?"

"We're doing good, you're dad is just busy annoying me with his golf that the wants to watch" she laughed.

"I heard that" I hear a voice in the background.

I laughed, "Oh mom."

"But I'll be back tonight" I said knowing that's what she wanted to ask, she let out a breath of relief, "Okay sure my baby, be safe, love you"

"Love you too Mom" I answered hanging up.

Just then Lewis walked back in, wearing grey trousers with no t-shirt.

"Are you going back to England?" I asked standing up. He looked up at me, "No" he answered, "I have to stay here for the week, I'll be going back the week before Saudi" he answered looking down at his phone.

"Okay, I under-" I got cut off, when his phone rang, "Sorry," he pointed to his phone, "I have to get this one, it's Angela" he said disappearing out the door.

I bit my lip and walked to the bathroom, I've done all my things, I didn't want to dress up today so, I chose a sweatshirt with black leggings and a black sneaker.

I quickly grab my buckethead, a mask and my mini bag.

Once I was outside I saw Lewis in the hall still on the phone, when he saw me approaching he quickly said, "Hold on please"

"Uhm, I'm quickly going to the grocery store" I said pointing down the hall.

He nodded and put the phone back to his ear.

Minutes later I arrived at the store, I pulled out a trolley and walked down the veggies aisle.

I noticed a few people staring at me, so I pull my buckethead down and my mask up.

As I walked by a few girls I heard them whisper, "She's Lewis Hamilton's girlfriend."

I quickly get everything I need before a lot of people start to notice it's me and before there's a lot of paparazzi around.

When I arrived at the till, the kind lady helped me as quickly as possible because she knew who I was and wanted to help me out because a lot of people started noticing.

When I got to the exit there was flashing lights everywhere and I could feel a panic attack on the rise.

I turned back to the lady, "Can you please take out my phone, quickly" I asked her feeling my breath speeding up.

She quickly took it out, "Call Lewis, tell him to come get me" I said almost out of breath.

She rang his phone but he didn't pick up, I started feeling the tears rising. Come on Lewis pick up.

She shook her head, "Mam, he's not picking up" she stressed.

"Uhm," I paused looking around feeling as if I'm getting swallowed up, "Call Alicia" I chocked out.

Alicia picked up on the first ring, the lady explained everything that's happening, I suddenly started feeling dizzy.

The lady passed the phone to me, "Ellen?" Alicia said softly, "Listen to me, breath with me"

"Come on, in through your nose, out through your mouth" she said breathing with me.

Moments later I felt better, "I'm on my way" I heard her.

Minutes later Alicia stepped into the store with big guys behind her.

"Come on" she said taking a bag from me and walked out in front off me.

I held my hand down and saw flashing lights everywhere as we walked to a car.

The guys helped me into the car and shut the door, Alicia sat next to me and they started driving.

"Where's Lewis?"

"He's at the hotel" I answered. "What?" she asked in disbelief, "Why isn't he with you?" she asked with her mouth wide open.

"He was on a call" I shrugged.

We arrived at the hotel, "See you in England?" I asked.

She nodded and off they were.

When I got up to the room Lewis was nowhere to be seen.

I started packing my suitcase and took my things out of the bags.

When I was done I rolled my suitcase out, closing the door behind me.

Minutes later I was on the plane back to England.

I fell asleep on the plane with Lewis on my mind.

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