Childe returned after changing the bloody clothes. He was wearing a red tshirt and black trousers. "Don't be shy, take one." He said.

"What are you looking after on this ship?" You asked. "The less you know the better you sleep... this is a Snezhnayan wisdom.. very important in the Fatui." He smirked.

Still curious what it could be you took a dough thingy. It was filled with potatoes.

"How do you like Snezhnayan food [y/n].. they are called Piroschki. They also get filled with meat, cabbage and eggs with leek.. OH AAAND Jam. Take this one". He grabbed your hand and put a Pirojok in it. "This one is with meat".

His whole attitude changed. Why was he so friendly. This wasn't the blue eyed man you talked to before.

"When do you plan to kill me?" You whispered. "Don't ask dumb questions and eat." He said that with an empty look. "The Tsaritsa has plans with you."

The cryo archon? Why would she want a useless scum like me. Confused you continued eating.

It started to get dark. Oh how you loved the darkness. Every night when everyone fell asleep you sneeked out of your room and went out for a walk. It was the only time of the day when you felt free and not like an object that lost its shine.

The ship was peaceful swaying from side to side.

"It's getting late.. go to bed." He was right you felt tired and powerless.

"This room has some beds. Use the left one.. it's free. The right one is mine." So the small room was a bedroom.

"I'll check what my coworkers are doing and join you."

You laid down on the bed trying to proced what happened today. You didn't expect that it will turn out this way. The bloody children and the Fatui agents words came to your mind.

Your whole life seemed like a stupid nightmare and everyday you were hoping to wake up.. with a vision in your hand...


You woke up in the middle of the night. You looked to Childes side. He laid in his bed head away from you.

You noticed a weird noice and his shoulders twitching. Was he crying? You couldn't handle emotions at all. Every time you felt something it seemed like it was eating you from inside.

Was he feeling this too? But what could a cruel maniac like him feel. He wouldn't miss a chance to kill you. What do such people have to cry over... you thought.

"Childe?" You whispered.


Did your mind played you a joke and this wasn't even real?


Childe is a broken persona. He is known as the youngest harbinger who loves the thrill of battle.

But the thing no one knows about him is that he suffers with every death he causes wishing to follow the people he have killed.

Everyone sees him as a weppone so the only time he feels useful is in the battlefield fulfilling Tsaritsas orders.

But at night he takes of his mask of falls happiness and satisfaction. His warm tears remind him of his mother touching his face. The love he was seeking as a 14 y/o kid...


You barley remembered what else happened that night. All you knew was that after a couple of minutes you fell asleep again.

In the morning Childes bed was empty. Where might he went? Well maybe killing cause it seemed like his full time job.. could also be his hobby... the joy in his eyes when something dangerous was mentioned. Maniac behavior...

You saw a white shirt and black trousers next to you. A small note was lying on top of the clothes.

"Change your dirty clothes girlie".

Without any back thoughts you ripped of your dirty top covered with holes and slided into the clean shirt.

After changing your clothes you entered the large room in which you spend your time yesterday.

You already inspected every inch of that room so you got bored pretty fast.

What if I just leave the room? Maybe I'll find an opertunity to esc- you remember that your current location doesn't allow you to do so.

What a dumb thought.. A race with the sharks... no thank you.

Well you didn't give a fuck about childe order and the big room seemed boring so you stepped out. 

At the end of the long corridor you saw some stairs. Up or down... what should you pick?

If I go downstairs I will find more children.. but upstairs? What could be there?

You felt a heavy hit on your neck..

"Dima, aren't you able to watch the goods?.. Master Childe will be mad if you cause more troubles.. and I don't want to step in a second combat with him.. he broke my nose last time. Hurry up and take her downstairs."

One of the masked men grabbed you and threw you like a sack of flour on his shoulder. Slowly he moved downstairs.

You cursed yourself that you ignored Childes order and left the room. You didn't care about your destiny but you also didn't want to get abused like those children you saw yesterday.

The masked man opend a door and threw you on the ground.

"Don't forget to chain that annoying shit."

You felt chains around your arms and legs.. chains covered in blood.

Man that was low key disgusting but you couldn't move because you were paralyzed by the hit on your neck.

"If you escape again or do shit I'll do something awful to you." The guy with the mask said. "You have a nice body". With this words he left the room.

The Fatui sucks. In what kind of dirty deal did you get involved? The people next to you looked different from the children you saw before.. less abused.

The two children where called experimental rabbits.. but what if the people next to you should be sold as slaves?

You'd rather die than become a slave at a strangers house. The wish to die just got stronger thinking about certain scenarios.

"Pshh you", a voice from the other side of the room whispered.

Confused you answered, "me?"

"Yes yes you. Is there a sharp object next to you?" The voice whispered.

"Nothing I'd identify as sharp" you replied.

"Oh man.. you have to know... this isn't my first time on a human traffick ship hehe" the voice giggled.

"I already managed to escape from one in Fontaine and Natlan. I'm pretty sure you need my help... Everyone I asked before simply ignored me."

What is this person talking about... the Fatui won't allow you to escape easily...

"Sucks to be you" you whispered.

"Hey! I'm trying to help you don't act cold and arrogant. You definitely need allies to survive."

"I'm not seeking for any help... I just want to die fast... and as I said... I don't have a sharp object next to me."

No reply... would they leave you alone now?

After some minutes you heard the voice again.

"We are going to Inazuma.. always wanted to see it. People say it's rainy there but as long as the location is beautiful-"

A man next to you spoke up. "Shut up kid.. don't you realize that we are lost and no one will get us out of this.. face reality already... YOUR LIFE IS LOST."

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