Chapter 25 : A tracker

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-with Sheldon and the Unknown figure-

Unknown figure: what even happened to Akio and Izumi? I don't remember them being like that.

Sheldon : ever since Yakeru is gone,they turned into a new leaf.But a bad way

Unknown figure : I never knew they treasure Yakeru this much

Sheldon : they do,this is why we need to find Yakeru

Unknown figure : how are we suppose to find This version of Yakeru if we don't have backup?

Sheldon : let me introduce you to the backup

Sheldon points at Captain cuttlefish

Sheldon : him.

Unknown figure : we have an old man as backup?

Sheldon : yes

Unknown figure : is he our only backup?

Sheldon : yes

Captain cuttlefish : hey (Unknown figure's name).We brought you here to help us find Agent 3

Unknown figure : I know

Sheldon : we will try to find Akuma tonight again

Unknown figure : on the rooftop again? Won't Akuma switch his ways to not get caught ? I don't think he is that dumb

Captain cuttlefish : who knows

Sheldon : meanwhile,we should just rest here

-fast forward to night time-

Unknown figure : it's time

Sheldon : remember to use your headgear to report back to us about the results

Unknown figure : yea yea

The unknown figure leaves the hideout and sneaks to the rooftop of Inkopolis

Captain cuttlefish : I don't remember him being so stubborn

Sheldon : he was always stubborn

The unknown figure is currently on the rooftop,it was late midnight.The unknown figure looks down and looks upon the view

Unknown figure : the city looks so dead,with the virus around of course.There is like no life in it anymore.We have to stop this

The unknown figure looks up at the moon,admiring the brightness.He looks down again and sees someone walking at the sides.

Unknown figure (whispers) : that.that is akuma..

The unknown figure jumps down and landed safely.He went straight for akuma and tackles him onto the ground.

Unknown figure : GOT'CHA

"Akuma"? : I know are here to stop this virus

Unknown figure : mhm

"Akuma"? : heh..I remember now.Let me just..

Akuma then breaks free from the Unknown figure's grip and thrusts his blades onto the Unknown figure.The unknown figure jumps back and dodges akuma's blades

Akuma : I see you have gotten better

Unknown figure :...

Akuma : what a shame your future has been destroyed

Unknown figure : shut

Akuma swings his blades onto The Unknown Figure . The unknown figure managed to dodge but still got hit.

Akuma : why dodge?

Unknown figure : it's common sense

The unknown figure then pulls out a gun,yes,a gun.A gun that shoots out bullets,not ink.

The unknown figure points it at Akuma

Unknown figure : night night.

The Unknown figure pulls the trigger and it landed on Akuma's shoulder.

Akuma : ?I? will come back..

Unknown figure : WAIT A SECOND

Akuma starts running away,The Unknown Figure chases after him.

They both eventually reached to a dead end

Unknown figure : you're trapped

Akuma : was fun playing with you.

Akuma then faded away.The Unknown figure started looking around Inkopolis but couldn't find him

Unknown figure : damn it...

The unknown figure reports back to Sheldon's hideout

-back at the hideout-

Sheldon : did you shoot him with the gun ?

Unknown figure : yea

Sheldon : good

Unknown figure : why ? Isn't it just a normal gun ?

Sheldon : well yes but no,the bullets are trackers.So we can track Akuma down,and possibly bring Yakeru back

Unknown figure : smart

Captain cuttlefish : I haven't seen human made guns in years,it's been a long time

Sheldon : the gun is similar to a human's gun,it does the same impact as a Human-made gun but it still a tracker

Unknown figure : I'm assuming we go hunt down Akuma tomorrow? It is late at night already

Captain cuttlefish: but what if Akuma takes out the bullet before we reach ?

Sheldon : well,one more thing.The bullets are made to track and make things worse.The bullets goes down deeper and deeper,so it will be harder and harder to take it out

Unknown figure : Akuma might not even take out the bullet at all,he probably just let it stay there

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