Chapter 7 : missions

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With Akio and Izumi

Marie : I called you here to retrieve some zapfishes that the octorians took from us,AGAIN

Akio : again ? How do they keep kidnapping the zapfishes every time?

Marie : I have no idea.Anyways make sure to on the microphone,agent 4. Any intel we say,please tell agent 8 too

Akio : Sure

Marie : off you go,agents. I will guide you along the way through agent 4's headset.use this superjumb pad to get to your destination.

Akio and Izumi stood on the super-jump pad and super jumped away.

Akio and Izumi arrived at the place with many octorian army soldiers.All guarding the place for the ZapFish.However,no octorian is at sight.

Akio (Agent 4 ) : what do we do now,Marie ?

Marie (through mic ) : go straight forward and turn right,do not turn left. At the left side there are more octorians and no zapfish detected.

Izumi (agent 8 ): got it !

Callie (muffled at the back with Marie on mic ) : Marie these shades are cool!

Marie ( talking to Callie at her side with mic on ) : Callie,don't put it on.

Shades being knocked onto the floor can be heard.

Callie (muffled at the back with Marie on mic ) : aww man,why did you do that ? Those were good looking shades !

Marie ( talking to the agents through mic ) : hold up agents,I have to deal with Callie.

Then Marie turned her mic off,getting ready to smash the shades onto the floor once more.

At agent 4 and 8's side

Akio : I wish callie a goodbye and farewell.She isn't going to "survive" after that

Izumi : Hey,don't say that.

Akio and Izumi then turned to their right and started ambushing the octorians in their path.

Akio and Izumi were fighting octorians that were coming everywhere.Just then,Akio saw an octorian coming straight for izumi behind her back.

Akio : holy shit,Agent 8, watch out !

Izumi widens her eyes and ducks(bending down).Akio point his hero shot at the octorian coming for izumi and shots.

Akio : no problem

Izumi smiles at akio, a bit embarrassed for not watching her back.They continued fighting more octorians that were coming.

At Marie and Callie's side

Marie : How many times do I need to tell you to not put ON THESE SHADES?!

Callie : they are so cool though

Marie : you're gonna get brainwashed by wearing those shades !

Callie : I am not ! I'm just gonna put them on real quick and take it off later !

Marie : No you don't !

Callie was about to put on the shades when Marie did a tornado kick,landing at the side of Callie's
Face.Knocking callie out,Marie carried callie and lifted her to a bench nearby.Marie sighs takes the shades to a box with locks on it.She opens it and put the shades into the box,then she locks it with a key.Marie goes back to guiding our agents.

Marie ( on the mic ) : Sorry I had to deal with callie,agents.Anyways let me see what is even happening now.


At akio and Izumi's side

Izumi and Akio were huffing from all the octorians coming their way to fight them.The Octorians weren't stopping,they kept coming.

Just then,the flow of octorians suddenly stopped.There weren't any Octorians coming to attack them.

Marie ( on the mic ) : that is strange,they aren't attacking anymore.

Izumi : yea,we don't see any octorians coming for us right now.

Marie ( on the mic ) : go straight forward,climb up a wall you will find later and then you'll find the ZapFish.Just a heads up,the rest of the group of octorians might be there guarding the ZapFish.

Akio and Izumi then went straight and ink up the wall in-front of them and swam up.There,they saw lots of octorians.

Akio : heh, Izumi, I have a splashdown that I can use to wipe them out.We have to attack secretly tho,like a surprise attack.

Izumi nods and follows Akio,whom is sliding his way through the ink path he created to secretly attack the octorians .

Just then,an octorian spotted them and shouted

Octorian : INKLING !

the octorians then charges towards Akio and Izumi, getting ready to splat them.Or so they thought.

Akio : Dang it ! Izumi,just start attacking them.I'll use the splashdown at the end

Izumi : got it

Izumi and Akio then starts blasting back at the Octorians.

After a tough fight(like 2 vs 20),Akio and Izumi came out Victorious.However Akio wasn't able to end the fight with a splashdown,he tried but it was too late.

Akio : aww man,I didn't get to do my splashdown and get some kills with it

Izumi : it's- alright.

Akio and Izumi then blast open the shield thing around the ZapFish and Return it to Inkopolis .

They Superjumped back to Inkopolis,with Marie waiting for them.

Marie : great job,Agents.

Akio and Izumi : thanks .

Marie : we'll meet again once you've been called out for a mission or meeting

Akio and Izumi then walks back home,it is midnight at that point.

Meanwhile with Yakeru

Yakeru : that was not fun,you made a mess around the house

Inei : sorry,couldn't help left me hanging around with your body too long.

Yakeru : you broke some stuff and you left behind your stupid teal ink trail to the bathroom

Inei : Goodluck cleaning it in time before they come back

Yakeru : hell nah,you are cleaning with me .

Inei : nope,have a good one until then.

Inei then dissappears into thin air


Yakeru suddenly coughs out teal ink,referring to his eye flickering to teal.

Yakeru vigorously coughs out even more teal ink but with a bit of black merges in the ink.After a while it stopped and coughs became major headaches.

Yakeru tried to hold a nearby table for support but he ended up falling down.Losing consciousness and getting a blurrier vision.The whole house was a huge mess

Just a few moments later

Izumi : Yakeru we are back h-

Akio and Izumi then looks at the house,it was very messy and had random teal ink everywhere.They then suddenly spot Yakeru lying down on the floor(being obviously unconscious at the best time ever ) Izumi looked at Yakeru's face and saw that a stream of teal ink flowed down to Yakeru's chin

Izumi : what even happened ?!

Akio : idk ?!

They both were panicking,not knowing what to do with Yakeru

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