Chapter 22: diner time

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Izumi tries to keep pace with Akio's fast speed.

Izumi : Akio

Akio : yeah?

Izumi you think we will find Yakeru soon ?

Akio : probably,I mean we already made some progress.Right?

Izumi : y-yea

Izumi then slips and falls straight on her face

Izumi : OUCH

Akio : damn, that must have hurt

Izumi : it does

Akio offers a hand to Izumi,Izumi looks at Akio and smiles.She holds his hand tight and stood back up

Izumi : t-thank you

Akio : no problem-

They both look away,awkwardly.

Inei is standing at the side,glaring at them walking away.

They both reached back home and laid at the couch

Akio : why do I feel tired even thought I didn't do anything

Izumi : well....I don't know

Akio looks at the kitchen

Akio : want to eat dinner ?

Izumi : sure..

Akio heads off to the kitchen,leaving Izumi on the couch.Izumi was staring at the floor,mumbling to herself

Izumi : I really hope we can find Yakeru soon,I can't live on life without him..when we get him back ,I should...I should go out on ?...with him of course

Meanwhile Akio is cooking ramen,with eggs.

Izumi : maybe..I should start writing diaries? It seems pretty interesting..

Izumi walks into her room and picked up a notebook that was empty as well as a pen.She headed back to the living room and started writhing down.

Dear Diary,

???????????(Day 1 of diary)

Today was well,I suppose.We made some progress on the disappearance of Yakeru.Marina is still trying to get the location of Yakeru while Marie and Callie is solving issues.

I hope that we can make more progress."

Just then,Akio was done cooking.


Izumi : coming !

Izumi puts her pen and notebook back into her room and walks to the dinning table.

Izumi : I-I didn't expect you to cook ramen again?

Akio : as long as it works,it should be fineeee

Izumi : he....

Akio : enjoy

Izumi digs into her dinner and munches down her food.

Akio : can never go wrong with ramen,ehh?

Izumi : "sure"

Akio looks at Izumi,squinting his eyes while feasting down on his ramen.

Akio : I took that personally

Izumi : oh,sorry..

Akio : hehe...just joking it's fine

Izumi looks at akio,laughing with him in Unison.She notices someone behind Akio,it looked like Yakeru again.She focuses her attention on the unknown figure behind Akio and sees that it is Yakeru with teal eyes and a teal goo in his head.Izumi jumps a bit,the unknown figure disappears into thin air.

Akio : what's wrong ?

Izumi :I-I... it's just that I keep seeing Yakeru with a teal goo and teal eyes,he just faded away into the air tho.I guess it is just my imagination...

Akio :hmm...strange

Akio takes another bite of his ramen

Izumi : You know,I've had a bad experience when Yakeru was sanitised.It was a bit....frightening? It just wasn't him in there.

Akio : too bad I was not there,sorry I can't bring myself to sympathise with you...

Izumi : I-it's fine...

Writer's note : So I don't want to spoil the whole thing but the next few days will be Izumi's diaries.I know it sounds boring but just hold it in there.

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