Chapter 13 : questionable moments

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In the morning at 7 am

The sun scorched Yakeru's eyes,they felt like they were burning.Yakeru wakes up and looks around,he remembered that he slept in a park after the fight Inei and Akuma just had

He looked up and gazed at the sky,looking at the rising sun and the morning sky's.

Yakeru : it's just a normal day,right ?

No one responded back

Yakeru : ...

Yakeru the starts walking home,wanting to relax a bit.

Upon arrival(he reached to the house),Yakeru opens the door and sees Izumi a bit teary eyed,Izumi looks up and sees Yakeru.

Yakeru : holy shit Izumi,what happened ?

Yakeru goes towards her and sits in front of her

Izumi : I-I thought you were missing... I couldn't find you in your room so I started panicking

Izumi hugs Yakeru tightly and leans her head on Yakeru's chest.

Yakeru ( in mind ) :what do I do?!?!

Yakeru started blushing and tried pushing her back,but she hang on too tight.

Izumi notices Yakeru trying to escape so she loosen her grip on Yakeru.

Izumi : I-I'm sorry

Izumi looks away and starts walking to her room,in embarrassment

Yakeru :.. better spent my last few days with her.

Inei (in mind ) : heh,cute...

Yakeru : shush

Inei (in mind ) : too bad you won't be able to see her after this

Yakeru :well...I know.

Inei (in mind ) : what do you even think the virus can do ?

Yakeru : maybe it will make my lose my limbs ?? I don't know

Inei (in mind ) : if you lose your hands and legs,can I eat them

Yakeru : wtf dude your not suppose to eat hands and legs

Inei (in mind ) : sorry,I've been too used to eating inklings

Yakeru : jeez,what has tartar been doing to you

Inei (in mind ) : you wouldn't want to know.

Yakeru : sounds fair enough

Inei (in mind ) : anyways, I have great news

Yakeru : what

Inei (in mind ) : once you die,I can finally get out of here.My soul will still be linked with you but we can possibly be separated

Yakeru : nice,you can finally stop bothering me now

Inei (in mind ) : I know,but I won't get a body vessel after this

Yakeru : that's good

Inei (in mind ) : humph

Yakeru : heh

Inei ( in mind ) : well that was a bit mean

Yakeru : I'm not gonna apologise for that

Inei (in mind ) : would you mind going to hell with me after you die

Yakeru : I'll maybe come visit you,I probably won't end up "up there" anyways

Inei (in mind ) : well if you do,come visit me and we can discuss more "things"

Yakeru rolled his eyes

Yakeru : sure

Inei (in mind ) : that doesn't sound promising

Yakeru : fine,if I don't visit you then you get to slap me

Inei (in mind ) : deal

Yakeru : why do you always speak to me from my mind and not appear in front of me anymore

Inei ( in mind ) : me appearing in front of your eyes costs more energy,if I appear for too long periods you are gonna faint.Besides,I only show up when it's important.

Yakeru : "sure"

Inei (in mind ) : hey,stop being so sarcastic

Yakeru : never

Inei (in mind ) : fine,be that way then.

Inei stopped talking and left Yakeru alone

Yakeru : heh,that idiot

Yakeru then goes up to Izumi's room to check on her and spent more time with her

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