the home the three lived in was like a fortress, Magic shields and defences, but there was one person I watched go in and out the most, Lance, now exiled from the End kingdom, and on the days he wasn't there, Ceris would be they, but never at the same time. I wonder what happened between them, But now I had a plan. 

I tracked Lance back to his castle after one of his trips, I entered the castle, after a few seconds, the lights were in the main chamber, And Lance was holding his gorf. "We don't get main visitors here, now who are you?" He asked. 

"Oh yes, you wouldn't recognise me like this," I raised my arms,  and swiped them over me, reliving my enderkin form, I used magic to concealed my true nature, most on the overworld would not expect me at this point in history. 

"Gwendolyn?" Lance asked, in both shock and confusion, I put on a fake smile, "Gwen I thought you were dead," Lance said rushing forward and hugging me. 

I wanted to stab him, to kill him for his betrayal, but I need him for now, "I've missed you," I lied to him, the next part of my plan took months, and months until I earned his trust fully again, the naive fool, he was alone and missing his people, it was easy to trick him.

I learned why Ceris was so obsessed with the baby Stella, that one day she is to rule the end, according to a prophecy, and one day Lance took me with him, as I hoped, he introduced me to Sun and Nebula. 

I smiled and jumped into action, I trapped Lance in an arcane shield, In a moment a slit Sun's throat, Nebula jumped up and summoned up an arcane sword, she was an untrained fighter, I easily beat her, stabbing her through the heart.

the arcane shield wouldn't hold Lance much longer. I walked up the stairs, into the bedroom, laying in the cot, was a baby, no older than a few months, I raised the arcane sword, when Lance burst in, he grabbed me and we teleported, suddenly we were on a snowy mountain top. Lance summoned up an arcane great sword.

but the entity used what power he had, to take me out of that place, and put me down in the red legion command centre, the next memory was years later, I was walking the hulls of the commander centre, the 3 in command here, I was slightly angry at the fact, Crystal was promoted to second in command, but in the last 8 years she has proven her self more than worthy of the rank, she has more power than most us, the benefit of who her father was. 

but she was still a child, and today proved no expectation, she rushed pasted me in the hull towards her room, I followed Crystal back to her room, her left hand was bleeding, "What happened?" I asked pushing the door open. 

"Nothing," She said grumpily, covering her hand. 

"Crystal, you might be my boss, but you are still young, show me your hand," I ordered. 

the young woman slowly opened her hand showing off a massive cut, "I was training with Ferelak, he cheated and cut my hand open," She grumbled. 

I summoned up my spellbook, and placed my hand over hers, "A simple healing spell, remember this Crystal, no one will fight you fair, they will always cheat, if you're stupid enough to trust, make sure it's someone who will not hurt you, I am here if you need me," the glow from my hand faded and the cut on Crystals was gone. 

I suddenly and unexpectedly stopped falling through my memories, I was standing in a black room, and for the first time in 100s of years, my mind felt clear, as if I could finally see the world as it's meant to be, I realised the Entity had been clouding my mind, manipulating it, but now, now I am free.

"It worked," A female voice called. I looked around seeing a woman with a cloak on, purple, pink and red, she looked off. and there was a dagger on her belt. 

"Did you ever doubt me, Lilith?" the man asked, he was always in a cloak, black with stips of red, although the hood was black, and his eyes were pure black but seemed to change to normal style eyes but red. 

"Who are you? where am I?" I asked. 

the man bowed, "I am the Controller, I brought you back, to join my army, you see, I need another enderkin who isn't well under control," He pointed to the corner of the room, Ceris was standing there, her body was twitching, her eyes were soulless pure black, with black line crisscrossing her face and hands. 

a second person was standing next to her, with a red streak in his hair, his eyes and skin was the same as Ceris's. black eyes and crisscrossing lines, I didn't know him but I still felt guilty. If they were under mind controller, that spell I learned, it might just work, I looked around the room, the only other two in here were the Controller and Lilith. 

"I thought you would find your sister in this state quite..." I lunched a light blasted into the room, "Aghh," the controller called.

 I focused and cast the spell to free them. "What's happening?" the man asked. 

"Gwendolyn?" Ceris asked. 

"Questions later, Run now," I said Grabbing Ceris's hand dragging her out of the room the other person following. 

"Lilith stop them!" the Controller yelled. 

the woman chased after us, Ceris spun around, summoned her energy blade and cut the woman's stomach, it kill her, the injury all ready healing. "Which way?" I asked. 

"That way, I think, it's like a bad dream, what I did under his control," the man said. pointing to a door. on the other side of the door was 1000s of red portals. "Okay, I really don't know which one to go through," the man said. 

I looked around, "You through that one, Ceris we'll go through this one," I said. the man looked back seeing Lilith coming and he jumped through the portal, Me and Ceris jumping through another one. 

we were in a desert. next to a blast crater, "Well that was a close one," Suddenly Ceris pinned me by the throat into a pillar from a destroyed temple.

"Why shouldn't I kill you?" She asked growling at me, and I hugged her tight, this was the first time seeing her with a clear mind in so long, "Umm I don't know what to do now," Ceris said.

"I'M SO SORRY FOR EVERYTHING I'VE DONE CAN YOU FORGIVE ME?" I begged, hugging her, "I wasn't in my right mind, I'm so sorry," I added hugging her. 

Ceris thought for a moment, "I can't yet, but saving me from the Controller is a good start," Ceris said, her voice was calm. "Where are we..." Ceris paused seeing a blue box. partially buried in the sand. "Doctor?" She asked. 

"Do you need a doctor? I can use basic healing magic," I said. 

Ceris shook her head, "Not that kind of Doctor, DOCTOR!" She called louder. 

then was a groan, and someone stood up from under the sand in a green velvet coat, "Ceris?" he asked confused, "How long have I been...ABIGAIL!" He yelled rushing to the box. "Ceris give me hand, Oh who's your friend?" He asked. 

"It's a long story," Ceris answered. 

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