Bridle Gossip

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Twilight Sparkle: Wow, what a gorgeous day!

Spike: Rainbow Dash must have gotten up early for once and cleared all the clouds away.

Y/N: Ha! when that day comes she already have children.

Twilight Sparkle: I bet all of Ponyville is going to be out enjoying the
sunshine.What? Where is everypony?

Then we see the entirety of ponyville has turned into a ghost town

Spike: Is it some sort of pony holiday?

Twilight Sparkle: Not that I know of.

Y/N: Spike in all my years there's no such thing.

Spike: Does my breath stink? [belch]

Twilight Sparkle: Not more than usual.

Spike: Is it... zombies?!

Twilight Sparkle: Uh... not very likely.

Spike: Not likely... but possible?

Y/N: No it's impossible because I wipe them out.

Twilight and Spike: What?

Y/N: Nothing.

Pinkie Pie: Psst! Twilight! Spike! Y/N! Come here! Come! Here! Hurry! Before she gets you!

Twilight Sparkle and Y/N runs into sugar cube corner.

Spike: Who?! The zombie pony?

Pinkie Pie: Z-Zombie pony?!

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! There are no zombie ponies. Pinkie, what are you doing here alone in the dark?

Pinkie Pie: I'm not alone in the dark.

Then suddenly the rest of her friends appeared behind her.

Twilight Sparkle: [gasp] Okay then, what are you all doing here in the dark?

Applejack: We're hidin' from her!

Then we see a cloak pony figure using one of her hooves to dig at the ground then turn her gaze at them.

[All gasp]



Apple Bloom: Did you see her Twilight? Did you see... Zecora?

Applejack: Apple Bloom! I told you never to say that name.

Y/N: God not this again.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I saw her glance this way...

Pinkie Pie: Glance evilly this way.

Y/N: Twilight it's hopeless don't even bother.

Twilight Sparkle: ... And then a bunch of you flip out for no good reason.

Applejack: No good reason? You call protectin' yer kin no good reason? Why, as soon as my sister saw Zecora ridin' into town, she started shakin' in her lil' horseshoes.

Y/N: Being an protective big sister is no good reason.

Applejack: What was that

Y/N: Nothing.

Apple Bloom: [shakily] Did not!

Applejack: So I swept her up and brought her here.

Apple Bloom: I walked here myself!

Applejack: For safe keepin'.

Apple Bloom: Applejack, I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!

Applejack: Not from that creepy Zecora.

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