Chapter [11]

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[Play the song when you see the song's name (Up-Olly Murs)  underlined]

[Her POV]

A few days have gone by.

It is almost midnight. And I am in my oversized black graphic T-shirt and loose black shorts that reached halfway to my thigh.

I was listening to songs and cold water by Major Lazer was ending.

My hair was down and I was planning to go to sleep but then I noticed the low melody.

It was different than the songs.

I looked out the window and saw that it was starting to rain.

Without wasting another second, I grabbed my phone and ran out. Shutting the door behind me.

Up by Olly Murs started playing.

I flew down the stairs since it will be faster. I live on the second floor.

I drew a broken heart
Right on your window pane
Waited for your reply

I almost fell a few times because of rushing so fast. But the adrenaline wasn't letting me slow down.

Here in the pouring rain

Once I was in the back gardens of my apartment, my heart felt light.

Just breathe against the glass
Leave me some kind of sign

I looked down at my phone and saw that while rushing, the video had turned on. But the song was still blasting through the rain's thumps.

I know the hurt won't pass, yeah

I smiled. This only meant one thing.

Just tell me it's not the end of the line

I angled the camera better as I started to record myself singing the lyrics. This will be just a memory I will fawn over in the future.

Just tell me it's not the end of the line

A happy ethereal moment.

I stepped out in the rain and little droplets drenched me little by little.

I never meant to break your heart
And I won't let this plane go down
I never meant to make you cry
I'll do what it takes to make this fly

I sang smiling at the camera then looking up at the sky.

Oh, you gotta hold on
Hold on to what you're feeling
That feeling is the best thing
The best thing, alright
I'm gonna place my bet on us
I know this love is heading
In the same direction
That's up

I kept my phone on ledge and went back out to dance in the rain.

No one was here due to the rain.

But I felt that I wasn't alone.

I looked around and my eyes stopped on shining emerald eyes.

"Would you mind, if I have this dance?" He asked, smiling

I grinned up at him. And nodded as he joined me in the rain, grinning back.

He didn't face me, instead we were standing side by side as he held out his hand. I took it. And we both lifted our hands.

So let's built a bridge, yeah
From your side to mine

He started a wave from his right hand and it continued to me and I finished it with my left hand.

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