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Dear Paul and Sara Boston,

I absolutely remember that day when you gave Trevor. It was raining hard, All the lights are turned off except for this old-school lampshade beside me. I'm reading my favorite novel, its called "Paper Towns" by John Green. I like how this author write his books and how he make it entertaining.

I was at the last chapter when my doorbell rang. I left my book beside the table, where the old-school lampshade rested. I opened the door and I was surprised to see both of you, dirty, wearing old plain shirts, trying to cover a baby from the rain.

I asked both of you to come inside but you refused. The last time I saw both of you is when your company launched its 30th anniversary. But I heard that your company went bankrupt and you have to sell it, since you will soon have your first baby. You quickly explained everything to me. You said to take care of your child, his name was Trevor, and promised to give money every month for Trevor's basic needs.

I didn't declined your request. After everything you have done to me. After paying the hospital bills, planning the funeral for my 3-year old son who died in cancer, helping you to raise Trevor is not enough to repay everything you have done.

You both kissed Trevor for the last time and gave me a last reminder. "Always remind Trevor that his parents love him so much" I just cannot see my sister and her husband, straight into their eyes, crying and saying goodbye to their son. It was a dreadful night indeed. I did my best to take care of your son.

He's really smart. Every year he receive medals for his great work in school. I didn't know you were that smart! He's now 14 and he's already a young man. Sometimes taking care of Trevor is really hard for me because he also needs a father beside him. So I also did the father duties to him like how to get a girl and stuff.

I wish you can come back soon and see how Trevor became a young man. I also wish you can receive this letter. I tried sending letters every week about how Trevor is doing, but i didn't receive a single response. You don't even have social media accounts! C'mon blend in with the society! Your considered "old" and "weird" if you don't have facebook or twitter these days.

Well I really hope you can receive this letter. Take care and Hoping for a response

Yours Truly,

Margaret Sinclair

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