Chapter 1

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Margaret's POV

"Honey, can you please open the door for me?" I am trying to have the calmest voice I can because today I am in panic and worried about Trevor. He's not eating breakfast, he doesn't want to go to school, he might be cutting himself inside or trying to kill himself. What will I dooo!

"Its open" Oh, wait, its open. Silly me haha! Sometimes when I panic, things get difficult for me. Like a three-step instruction on how to cook an egg becomes a 12-step instruction when I am in panic. I open the door and saw trevor beside his bed. He fits exactly between the gap of his bed and his bed table beside. Sitting in the floor, arms folded, knees bent, head down- his usual position when he's in a bad mood

I sit in front of him, trying to calm myself and not panic in front of Trevor.

"Trevor, will you tell me what's the problem?" I ask with the calmest voice as possible. He stares at me and saw his tears coming down. Looking at Trevor straight into his eyes while crying makes me wanna cry too but I need to show him, as his guardian that Im strong and I will do everything for him. He folded his long sleeved shirt and I can see bruises on his arm

"Im being bullied at school." His voice crack as he silently cried with his heads down again.

"Oh My God, Trevor, Why did they do this to you?" I hug him tight and place my hands over his shoulders

"Im going to treat you downstairs, then Im going to your school right now and I am going to complain to your principal. Ok?" I said smiling to cheer him up but he got more frightened than he was before

"Don't complain please, they will beat me again if they will be suspended or kicked out." He begged, holding my hand with both of his.

"But they will keep bullying you if we didn't do something. And you know that I love you and I don't want you to get hurt right." I can't hold it much longer, this woman who needs to be tough in front of a young man cried. I placed my hand in his cheek while crying

He didn't respond but hugs me tight, the tightest one he gave me. She accompany me in going downstairs, he really is growing up into a fine gentleman. I got the medicine kit on the kitchen drawers and I treat him on the sofa.

"Ow ow ow" he squeaked while Im treating his wounds and bruises

"Does it hurt?" I asked. "A little, i can handle" he answered.

It was quiet while I'm treating him. You can here the dog's neighbor barking, Trevor's heavy breathing and the sprinkler outside. It took an hour or so until he speaks.

"Thank You."

"Im not yet done, you still have a few on your elbow"

"No, I mean Thank you" I glance at him and he's smiling. I stopped treating and gaze upon his blue, mystique eyes

"Thank You for what?"

"Well, you're always there for me even though you're not my parent. Thank you for being my mother. I really don't want us to cry here but yeah Thank you" I smiled. This is the first time he thank me. I felt warm and happy inside. It is the same feeling when a child thank his mother. Im really happy for raising Trevor.

"I want to thank you too, TrevyBaby for being a part of my life." I mess his soft, brownish hair and squeeze his cheeks. I feel nostalgic about this moment. When Trevor is just a puny, little kid and I helping him to treat his wounds and I will mess his hair and squeeze his cheeks.

"Aunt, stop calling me TrevyBaby! Im 14." He said, irritated by TrevyBaby

"But you are my baby little cutie TrevyBaby right?" Im trying to tease him more. I just love it how Trevor becomes irritated by some things.

"Auuunt! Pleasee stopp with this trevybaby thiiing!" He said irritated but laughing

After treating him, he went back to his room while I ready myself to go to trevor's school regarding this bullying thing.

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