As if he was looking forward to that thing happening again, he was not so lonely and cold to this point!

Zu Qi was immediately frightened by the thoughts that suddenly appeared in his heart, and quickly drove away the messy thoughts in his mind. He closed his eyes in a panic, took a deep breath, and went to sleep.

It's a pity that I didn't sleep all night.

However, Zu Qi's attention to Xue Jue did not last long, because he also started to get busy.

The crew of "Palace Wall" set the starting time on February 1st, and the location is in a large film and television city not far from the city. It is expected to shoot for three months. I am afraid that they will have to stay in the crew during the New Year.

Fortunately, the Studio City is only two hours' drive from Xue's house, and the crew is semi-closed filming. Zu Qi can come back to see Xue Wan anytime when he is free.

The only thing that makes Zuqi difficult is that at present, only three days before starting the machine, his agent and assistant are all missing.

Zuqi had seriously considered terminating the contract directly with the brokerage company before, but his brokerage company did not violate any of the contract content. Even the original owner of Xue Zang was reasonable and reasonable. After all, the original owner did commit a lot of stupid things last year and harmed the company's interests.

If the contract is forcibly terminated, Zu Qi will face huge compensation once he is brought to court by the brokerage company.

He does not lack money, but he does not want to use his money as a meat bun to beat a dog.

After thinking about it, Zu Qi didn't dial Zhou Yan's phone, but went directly to the company to find senior Liu Huishan. His assistant Xiao Dengzi was temporarily working next to Liu Huishan.

Zu Qi deliberately inquired about Liu Huishan's specific time at the company from Heng Jingchen, and went straight to the conference room, and saw a beautiful woman sitting inside looking at her mobile phone through the clean and translucent glass.

The woman seems to be at a certain age, and she exudes a mature and stable aura. She puts on delicate light makeup and properly maintains her skin, which fully shows that the beauty is on the bones and not on the skin.

Just looking at her profile, Zu Qi knew that this woman was Liu Huishan, and she was as good-looking as the selfie posted on Weibo, and the busy little fat man who walked around her should be Xiao Dengzi.

Zu Qi walked around the glass door, ready to push in.

At this time, a group of talking and laughing staff suddenly came not far behind him, seeming to have to enter the meeting room.

When Zu Qi saw this, he quietly stepped back a few steps. After all the staff members entered, he slowly walked to the door and guarded.

Those people spoke a few words to Liu Huishan in a relaxed manner, only to see Liu Huishan put away the phone, got up to tidy up her hair and clothes, and then followed them out.

Little Dengzi naturally followed him by looking forward and backward, and his expression was full of caution.

However, when Xiao Dengzi walked out of the meeting room and turned his head to face a very familiar face, all the care and anxiety on his face instantly froze.


Zu Qi twitched the corner of his mouth, waved and smiled: "Little Dengzi, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"Qi, Brother Qi, why are you here?!" Xiao Dengzi has never been good at concealing his emotions. For a while, he seemed to have seen a ghost, his face was blue and white, and the guilty conscience in his eyes almost overflowed.

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