Chapter 23: Reversal + inspection

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"It was the heroine who played "The Strategy of the Qing Dynasty" last year. She has already made her debut as a junior in the film school. There is no black material, and she is now well-known."

Xiaoya briefly talked about Yu Meitong's situation, and then the topic changed, "A few days ago, Yu Meitong stood in line with his wife on Weibo, but was besieged by black fans. I guess his wife may be in a bad mood because of these things."

The housekeeper Zhang, who hadn't had any reaction at first, frowned when he heard the words behind him.

After a long period of thought, the housekeeper Zhang ordered: "You should pay more attention to your wife's situation and try to make him happy. It is not good for the child to continue like this."

Xiaoya nodded like pounding garlic.

After a few more careful exhorts, Steward Zhang turned around and left. As soon as he walked out of the door, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a call.

It was quickly connected over there: "Brother Zhang."

"You go and check the actress named Yu Meitong, it's best to find out her network." Steward Zhang said.

"Okay." The person replied. He has been paying attention to the dynamics on the Internet, and naturally it is clear that Yu Meitong has caused some controversy after reposting Zu Qi's Weibo.

"How about that thing?"

The person replied: "It is ready. I will post the video at eight tomorrow morning."

Steward Zhang responded, then hung up and went to work on other things.

In less than half an hour, he received an email from the hacker. The content was very simple. In just a few words, it was clear what Mr. Zhang wanted to know.

In fact, Yu Meitong is nothing unusual.

She was born in a well-off family where both parents were civil servants. She passed the art test and entered the city's most famous film academy. A year ago, she was favored by the director of "Daqing Raiders" and became famous overnight after starring in the heroine.

There are not many people that Yu Meitong knows in the circle. Almost all the superficial friends she met through filming and on the show. She and Zu Qi did not communicate at all because when Yu Meitong became popular a year ago, Zu Qi had already climbed. Xue Jue did not circle.

If you have to find out some connection between them, it should be introduced by Bai Guangjian, an old customer who has bought meditation powder from Zu Qi several times, and is Yu Meitong's distant relative.

Half a month ago, Yu Meitong attended the family banquet and received a gift from her relatives. It was the meditation powder in plastic bags that had not yet been packaged.

Those who follow Yu Meitong know that she does not sleep well. The experience of staying up late and filming makes her habitual insomnia. Maybe it is the meditation fan that really played a role, and Yu Meitong is a friendly advertisement for Zuqi.

It's just that Yu Meitong doesn't have any thoughts about Zu Qi, which does not mean that Zu Qi also has the same mentality.

When Steward Zhang's gaze swept to the last few lines, the brows that had been soothingly stretched suddenly frowned.

The next morning.

Zu Qi got up and washed, and sat lazily at the table eating breakfast, and saw Xiaoya rushing in like a cannonball.

"Madam, have you watched Weibo?" Xiaoya said excitedly with her eyes bright like light bulbs, "you are on the hot search again!"

Zu Qi: "..." When did he come down from the hot search?

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