Andrea X Nerd Male Reader

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[We see you in you parents car]

Y/N: Mom, Dad, can I please be homeschooled, I really don't feel like going to middle school

M/N: C'mon Y/N, I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends

D/N: Besides you never know, you might find yourself a girlfriend, Am I right kiddo

[You dad pats your head]

Y/N: [Chuckles] Maybe

[Your parents car pulls up at Brighton Middle School]

M/N: Pick you up after school, We love you Y/N

Y/N: Love you too Mom and Dad, see you later

[You walk into the school]

Y/N: Okay new town, New school, Now all I need to do is find some new friends, Hmm, Oh

[You then see a girl filming herself on her Phone]

Girl: Hello My adoring public, I am just glad that it's Friday

[You walk up to her]

Girl: So that means the weekends gonna be-

[She sees you]

Girl: Hold on a sec Fandreas [turns off her cellphone and turns to you] do you mind

Y/N: Oh uh, sorry I was just wondering uh If you wanted, uh

Girl: well, C'mon spit it out I don't have all day

Y/N: If you wanted to be friends

Girl: What?

[You hold your hand out]

Y/N: Y/N L/N, I just moved 

Andrea: Andrea Davenport

Y/N: [Gasp] Andrea Davenport, As in the daughter of the man who own's the store, Davenport's, I've seen that commercial all the time, at least ads of it on the internet, see 

Y/N: It really is cool that I'm in the same school with a celebrate

Andrea: [Blushing] Y-Y-you think I'm a celebrate?

Y/N: Totally, and from where I'm standing you've gotta be the most beautiful girl in school

[Andrea blushes harder]

[The bell rings]

Y/N: Well I go to get to class, see ya

Andrea: [Nervously Laughing] Yeah, see you later cutie, I-I mean Y/N, [under her breath] what is this feeling

[At Lunch]

[You begin to sit down and eat you lunch, then Andrea sit's next to you]

Andrea: Hi, Y/N

Y/N: Oh hey Andrea

Andrea: so um I was thinking if you like um wanted to uh

Y/N: To do what?

Andrea: To, um, uh, I have to go to the bathroom

[Andrea runs out of the cafeteria blushing]

[In the bathroom]

Andrea: Ugh, Why can't I just tell him how I feel, He's a Dweeb and a Nerd but he's just so handsome, why can't I tell the boy that I like, I love him

[In class]

Miss Lightfoot: Now class today's assignment will be a group assignment, So groups of two will be, Kat and Sheela, Tyrus and Piper, Molly and Libby and, Andrea and Y/N

[Andrea blushes at the thought of being paired up with You, You wave at her]

[At Your house]

[You and Andrea start working on you historical figure report]

Y/N: So who do you wanna do our report on

Andrea: [Thinking] So dreamy, So handsome

Y/N: Uh Andrea?

Andrea: Oh Uh, Abe Lincoln, I guess

Y/N: Cool

You and Andrea: I'll start us off

[You and Andrea both each put your hands on the same pencil, you two stop and blush and each other]

Andrea: Oh,sorry, you can start 

Y/N: Uh thanks

Andrea: Look Y/N, can I tell you something 

Y/N: Oh uh sure, what's on your mind, anything that your interested in talking about?

 Andrea: Well I-I-I-I, I Sort of have a crush on you okay. jeez, I just think your so smart and charming and handsome, your the first person to every be my friend for the heck of it people only wanna be my friend because I'm popular

Y/N: Aww Andrea, I don't care if you're popular or not, you're sweet and beautiful and other people shouldn't like you for your status in school, they should like you for who you are and I like you for who you are myself

Andrea: wow, thanks Y/N

Y/N: Don't mention it

[You and Andrea start blushing] 

Andrea: so we should probably finish our report, huh

Y/N: Uh, yeah we should indeed

[The following Monday, You and Andrea were up at the front of Miss Lightfoot's classroom reading your report]

Y/N: and on a night at the theater Abraham Lincoln died of a tragic death but he with always be honest in our hearts.

[The class claps for you]

Miss Lightfoot: Nice job You two, A Plus

Y/N: Thanks Miss Lightfoot, Although I couldn't have done it with out Andrea

[Andrea Hugs you and Kisses you on the cheek, You start smiling and blushing]

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