Molly X Suicidal Male Reader

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Brighton, 6 Years Earlier

[We open up to your dad walking out of your house with your mom following]

M/N: Honey, please can't we just talk about this

D/N: Sorry dear but I just can't live here anymore I have to move on to better things and tell my son that I love him

[Your dad get's in his car and drive away]

Y/N: Mommy?

[We then pan up to a 7 year old version of you]

Y/N: Where's Dad

M/N: Oh, uh, well Y/N, You see uh, Daddy, uh

[You tear up and start crying]

M/N: I know it's hard Y/N, But we'll pull through, I promise

[Brighton Present Day we cut to an older version of you]

Y/N: And I've never seen my dad since, I don't know weather I should just keep going, or end it all, sometimes I wonder, Is it my fault?

[We then see You in Brighton Middle School]

Y/N: [Sigh]

[You then see a bubbly girl walking down the hallway]

Girl: Hey Y/N

Y/N: Oh, Hey Molly

Molly: I was thing that today we could go to the park

Y/N: No, I really just don't feel like it

Molly: Okay, How about we just go to my house and hang out

Y/N: No

Molly: Okay, How about-

Y/N: Molly, I don't feel like hanging out, I just wanna be left alone

Molly: C'mon Y/N, Don't you just wanna do something

Y/N: Y'know what? Yeah after school

Molly: Cool

[Later After school Molly was at Home]

Molly: Weird, Y/N Said he was going to do something so he'd probably meant he'd meet me somewhere

Scratch: He probably had a family thing, you know how weird that kid is

Molly: Scratch, Y/N's Just probably late that's all

[The News comes on]

News Reporter: This just in, A Brighton Middle school student by the name of Y/N L/N, is standing on top of a ten story building, probably going to jump officials are trying to negotiate with him as we speak  

Molly: Oh My gosh, Y/N!!

[Molly quickly get's her helmet on and hops on her bike and dashes of to the building]

[Scene changes]

Y/N: Everything could've been better dad, why'd you have to leave, but you won't have to worry soon enough, then it could be just you and mom

[Molly Runs into the building and up the flight of stairs and reaches the roof]

Molly: Y/N, Please, don't jump

Y/N: Molly, Just go get out of here

Molly: I'm not going to let you kill yourself, look Y/N, Your dad left you but that was then this is now I'll be there for you Y/N, I promise [Voice breaking] Please, Don't jump, Please [Molly starts to tear up]

[You then see how sad Molly is, you then step down from the spot you were about to jump from and walk up towards Molly]

Y/N: Molly [Hugs her] thank you

[Molly hugs you back]

[Molly takes you home]

Y/N: So about today

Molly: Look today was crazy so let's just pretend it didn't happen okay?

Y/N: Okay.

[Molly Kisses you on the cheek]

Molly: See you tomorrow Y/N

[Molly walks home leaving you at your door step for the first time in forever smiling, you then run inside and go up to your mom]

M/N: Y/N, Are you okay? I saw the news and you were-

[Your mom gets interrupted as you hug her]

Y/N: Mom, I wanna try and Live on without dad, I maybe a little distraught about not having dad around but I'll get through it

[You and Your Mom hug again]

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