Libby X Male Reader

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Y/N: Mom, did we have to move here

M/N: For the last time Y/N, Your father's got a new job here and we have to adapt, just try and make one friend

Y/N: Okay one friend, that shouldn't be to hard enough I can do that

[You Mom and Dad's car pulls up to Brighton Middle School]

D/N: Okay have a good day at school kiddo

M/N: and remember we love you very much

Y/N: Love you guys too, Bye Mom, Bye Dad

[You get out your parents car and head into the school]

[Scene changes: Classroom]

Miss Lightfoot: As I'm sure many of you have noticed, we have a new student joining us. Welcome, Y/N L/N! Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?

Y/N: Well I moved from Michigan and before you all ask Royal Woods doesn't exist that's a cartoon, and I skateboard in my free time and I'm a natural at guitar, Hey teach mind if I play a couple chords   

Miss Lightfoot: Not at all

Y/N: Sweet

[You pull you Guitar from you duffle bag and you play a few riffs on it]

(The class cheers for You. They stop as a student starts slow clapping)

Girl: Brava! (walks up to You)

Y/N: Thanks a bunch, Uhhhh, sorry, not to big on names

Andrea: "Ahn"-drea Davenport, social influencer, future disruptor, Brighton Middle School's Official Good Will Ambassador.

(class cheers)

Andrea: It's a lot of things in one, I know. I'd be honored if you'd join me on stage this afternoon at the "New School Year Assembly".

Y/N: My very first friend in Brighton and I didn't even have to try and make an impression sweet, I will gladly take the offer uh what's your name again? "Ann"-drea?

(everyone gasps.)

Y/N: What, What's with the gasping

Andrea: (inhales, giggles) It's actually "Ahn"-drea.

Y/N: Uh, yeah that's what I just said.

Andrea: No, you said "Ann"-drea.

Y/N: Oh sorry!

Andrea: Oh, no need to worry, it's fine. It's your first day. Forgive and forget!

Y/N: Wow, thank you, "Anh"-drea, that's so nice of you. Oh, crud, is it "Ann"-drea? Or, wait... What was it again? Do you say it like, Ahh or Ann, but then again It could be like A or E or I, wait what am I saying there no I in Ann-drea, dang it I mean Ahn-drea

Miss Lightfoot: (clears throat) Maybe you should take a sit...before you make this even worse. 

Y/N: Yes, of course

(You walk to your seat.)

Students: Ooh...

Girl 1: Once is an innocent mistake, but twice...

Girl 2: He's a monster!

(You goes to the back of the room where another girl is also sitting)

Y/N: This blows

Girl: Hey, in the first grade, there was a girl named Libby. She was bright-eyed and full of promise, until one day, she called "Ahn"-Drea "Ann"-drea, and from that moment on, she was an outcast, forever shunned from respectable society.

Y/N: I'm guessing your that girl?

Libby: Yep . I'm Libby. And don't get too close! I think I've almost got her worn down. (shouting) Looking good, "Ahn"-drea!

Y/N: Pfft, what am I so worried about there still the whole day of school left, I'm sure people will forget about the Ahn-drea Ann-drea thing soon enough

[At Lunch]

Y/N: See going well already, And no sign of-

Andrea: (clears throat making the students move away from You)

[In The Hallways]

[You see some twins walk by and pull out your guitar]

Y/N: Hey you wanna see me shred?

[The Twins avoid you and you see Andrea deviously smiling]

[At the Assembly]

Y/N: Oh Libby!!

Libby: Hi Y/N, I saved you a seat

Y/N: Thanks, so this outcast thing, If I might as well get use to it, I might as well have someone to share it with.

[Libby Blushes]

Libby: Well that's uh, nice to hear that

(Curtains from the school stage are raised, allowing Your classmates to see that A Girl is carrying Andrea unconscious. All the students gasp.)

Y/N: Wait, What's that kid doing?

Girl: (nervous) It's not what it looks like?

Kid one: Seriously, who does she think she is?

Kid two: She's the worst of the worst!

Y/N: Well Guess me and Libby aren't going to be the only outcast in school

[You then notice a blue aura around Andrea]

"Andrea": Hey, Hey, gang. It's me! Andrea Davenport! Gimme that applause already. What I got to do.

(The students applaud confused)

"Andrea": Okay. Thank You. Where to start? First. I'm over the whole "Ann"-drea, "Ahn"-drea thing. I mean, believe when I say life's short. You can call me whatever. Go nuts with it. Let's get creative! Now I'd like to get down a bit to get more serious because there is a girl out there having a really rough day and I think in some small way that's my fault. She doesn't deserve to be treated like the worst of the worst! No one does! So please, unlight the hat, give a great big cheer for...

(Camera focus on Libby, who is in the audience.)

"Andrea": Libby! She is okay now, I decree it


Y/N: (Under your breath) Maybe there could be a huge anomaly in Brighton

"Andrea": And also, Y/N is also okay I forgive him about the whole name thing as well

Y/N: But it wouldn't hurt to save that anomaly for another day

[After School]

Kid: See you tomorrow, Y/N!

Y/N: Okay see you then

Kid 2: Have a great night!

Y/N: Bye!

Libby: Y/N, Wait!

Y/N: Oh hey Libby, What's up

Libby: I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me

Y/N: It's cool oh and by the way, you uh [Blushing] Look pretty cute when your blushing

[Libby blushes even harder]

Y/N: So I better get home and-

[Libby Stops you and kisses you on the cheek]

Libby: So, Do you wanna hang out this saturday?

Y/N: Uh, I well, Sure

Libby: Sweet, It's a date

[Libby Hugs you and walks home]

[You start to smile and blush at the same time, you then see your parents car pull up]

 D/N: Y/N, Time to come home!!

Y/N: Coming dad!!

[You run to your dads car, hop in and go home]

The Ghost and Molly McGee X Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now