Molly X Lucky Male Reader

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[You were walking down the street to school and you see a bunch of people greet you]

Man: Hey look who it is the luckiest guy around

Y/N: Yep that's me

Woman: Hi Y/N

Y/N: Hey there

Man 2: hey Y/N, here twenty bucks go buy yourself something nice kid

Y/N: Thanks

Woman 2: Hey Y/N, I made you this pie

Y/N: Thanks

Man 3: Hey Y/N, What's shakin'

Y/N: Not Much

Brighton High School Cheerleading Squad: [Spells your name] IIIIIIT'S Y/N!!

Y/N: Great performance girls

[You pass a house with some people watching the news inside]

News Reporter: and this just in a crate of what appers to be arcade tokens have fallen out of a plane

[Said crate falls in front of you and breaks open]

Y/N: Well I know what I'm doing after school

[You grab a handful on Tokens and head to school]

[At school]

Miss Lightfoot: Alright class, I'm going to give you back your test for you all to see how you did

[She passes you your test]

Y/N: Yes, A Plus, as usual 

Molly: Hey Y/N, How do you manage to pass every test, you must've studied real hard

Y/N: Well Molly, The thing is, I don't study I have luck and fortune on my side

Molly: Really?

Y/N: Yep, It's a little thing called L/N's Law, What could go right for me, Will go right for me

Molly: Prove it

Y/N: If you insist

[You take out a bag of marbles and you roll one out the class room door and down the stairs and out the door and it goes near a cat and startles it then it runs into the street and causes a car to swerve and  crashes into the school with the driver getting out in time]

Molly: Nothing happened

Y/N: Wait For it

P.A System:  Attention student, What appears to be a convertible has collided into the school auditorium and for that reason alone Brighton Middle School will be closed  until further notice

Student: Yay!!!

[All the students run out the building while you and Molly walk out]

Molly: Wow you weren't kidding you are lucky after all

Y/N: Well duh, that's what I was trying to tell you

Molly: So you wanna hang out on Saturday

Y/N: Okay, I'll meet you at the arcade

[On Saturday you were getting ready to see Molly]

Y/N: Okay A Day with Molly, It's no big deal, It's not like a date or anything, even though she is wonderful, fun and [Blushing] Cute [Realizing what you said] I-I-I Mean she's great and stuff

[You Run out the door and on your bike and then you head off to the arcade]

[At the arcade]

Y/N: Oh there she is, Molly!!

Molly: Oh, hey Y/N

Y/N: So I was thinking there is this new game and I was woonder if you wanted to play it with me

Molly: [Blushing] wait what?

Y/N: I want you to play with me

Molly: O-Okay, Sweetie [realized what she said] wait uh, I mean Y/N

Y/N: Molly are you okay, you've been acting strange

Molly: I'm fine, Let's just go inside

[You and Molly head inside the arcade]

Y/N: There it is [You gesture towards an arcade machine] Super Night Fighters II Turbo

[You pop in arcade tokens for you and Molly]

Y/N: So ready?

Molly: Totally

[You and Molly Play the video game and you win a couple round and so did Molly (Even though you let her win because that wouldn't be fair) and after a few rounds you and Molly stop playing the game and head home]

Y/N: So What did you think?

Molly: I really liked the time I spent with you Y/N,

Y/N: Well that's nice and uh

Molly: Y/N, Have you ever been in love before

Y/N: Well uh, a couple times before

Molly: Good [Kiss you] I Love you Y/N, I really think your a great person and I enjay the times we have together

Y/N: Molly [Holds her hands I feel the same way, So [Holds out your hand] Shall we?

Molly: [Blushing] Oh, Uh Sure

[You and Molly walk home hand in hand]

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