Molly X Ghost Male Reader

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Voiceover: In the day time, he's Y/N L/N, Just a normal kid with a normal life, but there's something about him people don't know yet, because he has a se-

[You pause the screen and face the audience]

Y/N: Hold on stop, stop, what are you trying to do get us sued by Zagtoon

Voiceover: Oh, Sorry

Y/N: Look, let's just skip ahead

Voiceover: Well, If it's fine with you

[12 Years earlier]

Y/N: [Voiceover] I was born in Brighton, with two parents my mom and dad, But an experiment I was exposed to at my childhood went wrong, and no, I'm not Danny What's-his-Name, now I can transform into a ghost at will, but with new powers come complications, so I need to learn how to control them.

[Brighton Present Day at The Middle School]

Y/N: Mom, Dad do I have to go to middle school today

M/N: Don't worry sweetie you'll be fine

Y/N: Couldn't I just stay homeschooled 

D/N: Look Kiddo just give today  a chance you might have a good day

Y/N: Okay Dad

[You and Your parents drive up to the middle school]

M/N: Bye Y/N, Have a good day at school

D/N: [Whispers to you] and remember don't use your powers to much

Your parents: We Love You

Y/N: Love you guys too, Bye Mom, Bye Dad

[Inside The Middle School]

Miss Lightfoot: As I'm sure many of you have noticed, we have a new student joining us. Welcome, Molly McGee! Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?

Molly: I sure would! If you know only one thing about me is that I--

(Scratch throws goo on the floor making Molly slip.)

Y/N: (Notices Scratch) Wait is that?

(Molly tries not to fall making it look like dancing.)

Molly: Whoa, whoa!

(class gasps)

Student: What's she doing?

Molly: Okay, we got it. Whoa! We got it. Okay. (Molly gets her balance back) I, uh, like to dance?

(The class cheers for Molly. They stop as a student starts slow clapping)

Girl: Brava! (walks up to Molly) "Ahn"-drea Davenport, social influencer, future disruptor, Brighton Middle School's Official Good Will Ambassador.

(class cheers)

Andrea: It's a lot of things in one, I know. I'd be honored if you'd join me on stage this afternoon at the "New School Year Assembly".

Molly: Wow! Thanks! That would be incredible, "Ann"-drea!

(everyone gasps.)

Scratch: (eating the food of the class's pet) Oh, what's this?

Andrea: (inhales, giggles) It's actually "Ahn"-drea.

Molly: Isn't that what I just said?

Andrea: No, you said "Ann"-drea.

Molly: Oh! I'm, I'm, I'm so, so sorry!

Andrea: Oh, honey, it's fine. It's your first day. Forgive and forget!

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