Molly X Bullied Male Reader

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[We See you walking home from school]

Bully: well, well, well, Look who it is my favorite Loser Y/N L/N

Y/N: What do you want Jordon

Jordon: I just failed a math test and I'm pretty mad

Y/N: So what does that have to with me 

Jordon: I need to take my anger out on something, and I thing I found that sort of something or someone

Y/N: Wait, What?

[Jordon grabs you and then starts wailing on you and then you end up with a wedging hanging from a tree]

Y/N: I hate Jordon

[You then hear a girl from below]

Girl: hey, what are you doing up there

Y/N: Well Y'know I well, I got stuck up hear?

Girl: Don't worry, I'll get you down, hold on

[The Girl Climbs up the tree to get you down, she gets you down and the comes back down]

Y/N: Thanks, My name Y/N 

Girl: Molly McGee, so what were you really doing up there 

Y/N: I, well, I'm getting bullied

Molly: wait what? who would wanna bully a nice guy like you

Y/N: This one guy, Jordon, he's such a jerk, and I feel like he's never gonna leave me alone

Molly: well, Have you tried telling an adult

Y/N: Well, I told the principal but like every member of every school faciality, he didn't believe me.

Molly: Hmm I got an Idea, but you're gonna have to keep him a secret okay?

Y/N: Wait, Secret? 

Molly: Scratch!!

[You then see before your very eyes, A blue ghost appears right in front of you]

Y/N: Oh My Gosh, Is that a real life ghost, I  always imagined ghost to be taller

Scratch: Hey, I'll have you know that I'm just as scary this way

Y/N: Okay Scratch was It? could you like scare Jordon

Molly: C'mon Scratch, Anything to help a friend?

You and Molly: Pleeeeeeeeeeease?

Scratch:: Fine

Y/N: Oh thank you, Jordon will never forget this

[At Jordon's House]

Jordon: Ha, that loser was such a wimp couldn't even put up a fight

[The lights in Jordon's room start blinking, followed by moaning]

Jordon: Whose there, show yourself

[The stuff in Jordon's room start to move on it's own]

Jordon: who ever is there do you worse

???: [eerie voice] SO, I heard you like picking on people

Jordon: what is this?

? ??: Well, Let's see you deal with me

[Scratch Let's out a ghostly scream and it scares Jordon]

Jordon: [Screaming], Mom, Dad!! This house is haunted

Jordon's Mom: we saw!! 

Jordon's Dad: that's it family we're moving right this instant

[Tomorrow you see Jordon's house with a for sale sign up]

Y/N: Ha, I can't believe that worked thanks Molly

[You Hug Molly, Molly Blushes and then Hugs you back]

Y/N: Oh and you too Scratch, How can I make it up to you guys

Molly: I know how, Maybe say, a date with me

Y/N: [Blushing] oh uh, okay.

Molly: Good

[Molly Kisses you on the cheek]

Molly: See ya

Y/N: Oh, see ya later, Molly

[You walk home]

Y/N: Wow, my first real friend.

The Ghost and Molly McGee X Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now