Andrea X Bad Boy Reader

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[It was a Wednesday, Yes Wednesday, Afternoon and you were in your room sharpening a twig with your shiv]

M/N: Y/N, sweetie

Y/N: Ugh, What Mom

M/N: Don't you think you should go to school

Y/N: I Told you I didn't want to go back to that crummy place like your job  

M/N: Y/N, What have I told you about disrespecting me 

Y/N: Just Get out Mom!!!

M/N: Okay, just promise me you'll go to school

Y/N: Fine, whatever

[Thursday: Brighton Middle School]

[You Kick down the door as it startles a couple students]

Y/N: Alright Let's get this crud over with

Miss Lightfoot: Y/N, Your Late for the 5th time this Month, and I heard from your parents that you haven't been coming to school for two weeks, a detention and a truency, how do you feel about that

Y/N: Whatever 

[You take a seat at your desk witch looks like the wooden top was carved with a knife multiple times]

Y/N: [Sigh]

???: Hey

Y/N: Hmm?

[You turn to see a girl with light blue hair]

Girl: Haven't seen you around here before

Y/N: Maybe that's because I mainly ditch this place

Girl: [Impressed] Oh, pretty Bad

Y/N: Yeah, you could say that, most people say I have a reputation

Girl: Ohhh, Andrea

Y/N: What?

Andrea: That's my name, Andrea Davenport, Brighton Middle School's Official Good Will Ambassador and Social Media Influencer

Y/N: Well Good for you, I guess

Andrea: So, See you at Lunch?

Y/N: Fine

[At the Cafeteria You were sitting at a table then you see Libby Walk by]

Y/N: Hey Kid

Libby: Hmm?

Y/N: watch this

[You see Miss Lightfoot walk by then you stick your leg out then she trips]

Miss Lightfoot: Alright, Who did that

[You point a finger at Libby]

Y/N: She Did

Libby: Wha-What? No,  No, wait I didn't

Ms. Lightfoot: Not a word Libby, Principal's Office

Libby: [Moans]

Y/N: Y'know what, I think I'm gonna like this place

[Later You were Outside Spray Painting Mrs. Roop's Car]

Andrea: Hey, Y/N

Y/N: Oh, It's you, what do you want

Andrea: I just wanted to see If you want to walk me home after school

Y/N: Meh, Sure, Okay

Andrea: Great, See ya Later, Bad Boy 

[Andrea Winks at you, Your were getting flustered but on the inside, for you don't show it]

[After School]

Andrea: So I was thinking do you think I would look extra beautiful If I would wear green or Hot Pink

Y/N: Look I just don't want to talk about clothing right now so

Andrea: [Scoffs] then what do you want to talk about 

Y/N: How I can't wait for summer so I can get out of this Sewer Plant of a School

Andrea: Look why are you always so like angry, can't you lighten up for once

Y/N: Huh, Y'know no one asked me why I'm like this, well My dad left my Mom when I was only 7 years old and it's been me and her ever since so basically I grow up without a dad and that kinda messed me up real bad

[You then feel something revealing to be Andrea hugging you]

Y/N: What are you doing

Andrea: Listen no one should ever have to grow up without a parent, I may not know what that feels like but just know, I'm there for you

[Andrea Kisses you on the cheek]

Andrea: well I better get home

Y/N: Hey, Andrea

[Andrea Turns back at you only to see you smiling]

Y/N: To be honest, you would look Lovely Dressed in Hot Pink

[Andrea Blushes and then walks home, leaving you standing Smiling]

The Ghost and Molly McGee X Male Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora