Chapter XXXI: Honesty's Strange Appeal

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 "We need to help her!" Goran pulled Andronic's sleeve. He hid behind long shelves of light scrolls, squeezing the hilt of his scimitar.

"Stop!" Andronic shot him a warning glance. "We are not officially Apostles of the Alkari yet! We can't just barge in and decide who's right. Life is a bit more complicated than an adventure novel."

"We'll never become Alkari if we sit here!" Goran clenched his teeth, his muscles tensing.

"Of course we won't," Andronic grimaced. "We need to be smarter than that. We need a plan!"

"To hell with plans!" Goran rushed out to face the light-benders. To his surprise, Andronic did not lag behind.

When he punched a light-bender twice his size, Goran felt no fear, only excitement: this was an opportunity to demonstrate his superior skills and finally do his duty. Why had Slavoj always told him the work of the Alka Guard was terrifying? It seemed invigorating, empowering even. Goran saw Ariadna stare at them in shock from Andronic's left.

He dragged one of the light-benders away from her with remarkable ease, almost knocking Radmila down. Stumbling, Chlápková seized Ariadna's wrist, staring at Goran in horror.

"So much for securing the perimeter..." Andronic murmured behind him. Ariadna panted, trying to twist away, but Chlápková's grip stiffened as she half-pushed, half-dragged Ariadna away. It was Goran's swift gravity trick that flipped her upside down, freeing Ariadna and accidentally smashing her over the wall.

The doors opened suddenly, and a crowd of light-benders poured into the library, led by Lorei Lascari and Arta Rinari. Goran offered his hand to Ariadna and grabbed her fingers before she could even respond, lifting her from the floor: her skin was cold and soft to the touch just like Leudora's. She nodded absentmindedly, immediately shifting her gaze from Goran to her mother. He shivered, prolonging the contact, reluctant to let go off her pale hand. It was Andronic who clapped him on the shoulder, pulling him away.

"I'm glad the lady's fine." Andronic attempted to look careless, but a deep frown creased his forehead. Ariadna gave Andronic a considerate look accompanied by a withering smile that left him stupefied. Goran could not help but ask himself if Andronic had ever seen a Byzantine Blood smile at him. Probably not. His relatives were never fond of him. Ariadna's short "thank you" was more than any of them could expect.

Lorei Lascari approached Ariadna, putting a hand on her shoulder. Lorei's smile was different from that of her daughter, and it had a dangerous edge to it. The light-benders now surrounded them, with Radmila and Arta glaring at each other from opposite sides. Rinari finally had her opponent cornered.

"Radmila, dear!" Arta's high-pitched soprano pierced the air of the Veil, hurting Goran's ears. "Why would you leave so early?" She tilted her head playfully. Radmila backed away, almost hitting the shelf behind her. Goran had to admit there was something more terrifying in Arta's courtesy than in the fiery rage of others.

"You have betrayed my trust, Radmila. You have betrayed the Guild. Did you think you could turn our beloved Guild into a military organization, have me eliminated and attract the Hungarian time freaks to your side? Did you think that farce of yours with fake evidence and bought allegiances would work?" Arta sighed. "It was fun to watch it unravel, though..."

"All I want is to protect our kin! I did not kill my own people! I would never do such a thing!" Radmila shouted, bitter anger strangling her. Then she drew in her breath, terror appearing in her dull eyes. "You... did it, didn't you? You pinned it all on Dalibor, while you..."

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Arta snarled. She approached the Slovak, her hand embracing her waist. Goran, Andronic and Ariadna all stared at the women in shock. Goran lunged forward, but Andornic pulled him back. How the hell could he predict Goran's actions?

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