My eyes blazed in anger.. he thinks he can say anything and I will listen to him..

All this while I listened to him because someone kept forcing me.. pressurising me and I thought it was the right thing to do.. not anymore!!

Not after I came to know his mentality and thinking.. and getting rid of my baby!!.. not at all happening!!.. at any cost..

"Shut up.. just shut up.. this is no more our baby.. this is my baby.. and I know how to protect my baby.. A guy with such a cheap mentality seriously.. we are done!!.. you and me have no relation from now on..

I cannot be with a man like you.. a man who has no respect for women.. a man who cannot accept and love his own flesh and blood just the way it is.. you cannot expect everyone to be perfect when you have the biggest flaw.. your low mentality"

He held my shoulder tightly "Shut up Sahana.. you are mine.. my wife.. my woman.. I'm telling the truth only.. you probably have a wrong perception.. let's just get rid of this baby and live our life happily.."

Get rid of this baby and live happily.. what the!!!

His hand squeezing my shoulder were piercing into my shoulder blade as he kept squeezing it in anger but I was also not calm..

There was fire raging inside me knowing his thoughts..

Knowing he wants to get rid of my baby I couldn't put down the fire inside me..

I pushed him away.. he came close to me and was about to raise his hand but again I pushed him away and ended up slapping him instead..

"I don't know the gender of my baby.. I did all this to know what you would do if our.. no.. this baby is not yours.. if my baby is a girl or would not be perfect as you expect.. I'm glad I came to know your thoughts.. before it's too late.. before you destroy my baby's life.. I will not let you anywhere near my baby.. once you come back to India you will get the divorce papers from me.."

"You will regret this Sahana.. you dare you, a woman slap me, a man.. what would you be able to do against me if I claim the rights on this baby if it's my son.. what would you be able to do.."

"Your thinking will itself lead to your destruction Vishwesh.. nothing else will be needed.. no one else will be needed.. I'm leaving from here.."

I just took a few things that I needed and packed my bag.. I couldn't be here even for a minute more.. that too in the presence of this man..

I didn't have an idea on where to go or what to do but I couldn't be here..

I left that house.. I left that man.. I wanted to cry but I couldn't..

I kept walking and walking until I bumped into someone..

I lifted my face to look at the person.. it was the doctor "Hey Mrs.Kumar what you doing out in this cold weather that too without even a sweater.. where is your husband.."

I looked elsewhere "I left my husband and his house Doctor.."

Unknown to me my tears started flowing from my eyes..

She looked at me worried "Okay okay come with me.. my house is close by.. you can stay with me till you whenever you want.."

I looked towards her "No.. I.. I don't want to be a burden to you"

She shook her head "You are no burden.. you are pregnant.. and my patient too.. I can't let go you like this even after seeing in this condition"

"But doctor.."

"Consider me a friend Sahana.. not just your doctor..", she forwarded her hand towards me

Our Bond.. Unnamed & Unknown (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now