Chapter I (Old)

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Disclaimer before reading written in December 3rd, 2023: This chapter, among the other four that portraits the first night encounter and the early morning of the day after has been combined and improved on, please skip to it should you be wanting to watch the new one directly, or you can enjoy the old versions of those writings right here. Thank you.

Lungmen city, 21:54 hours

"..." The stranger muttered something that can't be heard from her distance seconds after, continues to stare at the far end of the city while holstering his handgun, completely unaware of the danger that is to come.

"Wha-, faster damn you!" The Mafia murmured in panic as his crossbow almost aimed at his prey, the outsider that's been murdering his co-workers and superiors. His hand moves significantly slower than he usually does, as if his time have been slowed down drastically. While in reality it was Mostima who casted a spell from behind with both her Black lock and White keys.

Knowing he got no time to lose, he readjust as much as he possibly can and pulls the trigger with all his might, desperately letting a shot off. His crossbow did not fail him, the mechanism triggered and the pressure that was in the sling unleashed. Pushing the arrow forward into the air despite the interference of time flow.

His strike managed to struck a graze to the target's face. In which the commotion successful attracted the sound of explosions ripped the skies like it has been already in this bump of a night, striking him down onto the ground soon after like the rest of his comrades. Leaving nothing but sudden peace masked by the rain and the sounds of the lively city away from the slum.

Under the neon lights Mostima can finally see the man's appearance clearly as he kept the rifle shouldered. A slightly taller figure with blue eye and a face of short stubble. On his head, the baseball cap with a bent retangle with the letter 'USEC' written on it, it's cloth at the visor's end have broken, revealing the plastc material within. Below that was a pair of glasses that is diamond shaped to the bottom and angled for keeping the lens in contract with the skin. His ears were covered by the headsets which can be found on arms markets and still in use for contractors and mercenaries.

His upper chest is covered by a plate carrier that was torn apart by holes with another soft layer of body armor in beneath, something that is uncommon around the contractor communities she knows of. Surrounded by magazine pouches and numerous other pouches on his sides, with what seems to be the handle of a relatively small tactical tomahawk strapped onto his back. On his left shoulder there's a shield shaped patch on the shoulder having the same USEC letters at the center and an eagle head between two lines resembling it's wings above, held on tight by his arm with the velcro holder strapped onto it.

His outfit consisted of a black and grey jacket and grey cargo pants that similar ones can be found in some of the clothes stores. A pistol holster was strapped between his belt and the right thigh with the left is occupied by a bag hanging on his belt. On his knees there are knee pads strapped onto both of his knees as well. Despite the overall equipments were too much to analyze at once, he is a professional no doubt. Perhaps he's from a contracting cooperation like Blacksteel Worldwide?

The stranger is in motion again, turning his shoulder left and right following his sights as they cautiously scans around the entire roof. The wound from the arrow struck his left cheek with blood constantly leaking out from it.

"Angering the Siracusas alone is not a very wise decision in this place mister. Especially when you broke the rule of games here." Mostima spoke in the dark with a friendly tone, with herself remains hidden inside the darkness and observes the stranger from within.

He ain't dumb either, a beam of unexpectedly strong white light immediately lid up towards Mostima following the stranger's quick turnaround with his rifle, forcing her to cover her eyes with her hand from the light. His legs back off a couple of steps from the direction she's at. Both the shattered Sankta and the darkened Sarkaz features reflected like obsidian under the spotlight level or brightness.

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