Prologue II: A different point of view

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Lungmen city, 2038 hours

Located away from the downtown of the nomadic megatropolis that is Lungmen city, the slum is always a sketchy place filled with different people from different races across the lands who were broke, crippled, and prejudiced . A perfect place for Mafias, gang lords and opportunists to expand their greed and business empires with slave trafficking, drug dealings and of course, solving their problems related to their business competitions through physical means.

A shithole. If you will, but not everyone entered alive and walking is a criminal scum like the others. Everything have an exception amongst them, even people, especially people.

Mostima, a Sankta (Angel) have just returned to Lungmen city from a month long delivery order to the lands of Victoria. She looked at the things within her notebook. Getting herself covered under the roof of a stink old estate from the pounding waterfall above, a broken neon light banter written 'Faz Bear Pizza' sticks out from the left of the roof. She continues watching, while slurps the the strawberry milkshake she held on her left hand.

Few minutes later she check the pocket watch she brought with her and puts the notebook back into her right jacket pocket, takes out her phone from her left one, dials her phone with a slow pace and puts it next to her left ear. Watching the rainy night of the abandoned part of this megatropolis, waiting for the other end to pick it up.

"It's me." She spoke with the pulled up smile she always had. Whether it is face to face with other beings or just a simple phone call, the distanced smile is always displayed on her face whenever she talks to the others, as if she's trying to hide something from them.

"I will be coming back late. Yeah it is. Okay, I will be there." She then ended the call and puts the phone back into her pocket, waiting in the rain as it falls for an opportunity that it can be small enough for her to walk through.

The heavy rain have finally let up five minutes later, as such Mostima continues her journey back to the destination she headed, crossing through the alleyways that are as complicated as a maze with confidence and ease.

However as she walked along, she noticed that someone peaking out from the corner, it is a man with cat ears dressed with trenchcoat and a fedora. His head exposed, staring behind the wall with his pair of sunglasses. It is the Mafia no doubt.

"Spotted the one Sanktas from the penguin logistics, begin the attack." He speaks to the phone and pressed a remote. An originium explosive detonated right after the call, with black smoke and fireball going sky high way beyond reach. It's explosion completely trashed up the ground zero of detonation, no one can survive from the blast, or so as they thought.

A slurping noise appeared right behind him, when the Mafia turned himself around to check. He sees the blue haired Sankta with Sarkaz (Demon) features of horns and tail. Along with the darkened halo and shattered wings, holding her white staff and the milkshake she have just finished.

"What?! Impossible!" He shouted in shock, did she just teleport away from the blast and appeared right next to him like it is nothing? His teeth grits a bit, swings his knife towards her but the speed is decreasing until it is completely stopped, even raindrops have stopped in mid air, like time itself have completely stopped in it's track.

Mostima however, was not effected by the stop of time, instead she is the one who casted the lock of desolate time and she is able to move freely around in the meantime. Seeing the frozen Mafia her smile lifts up almost like a smug face when the eyes are closed.

She walked passed him with quite some distances before time flows again nine seconds later, leaving the mafia fall with his back against the wall with his legs shaking, holding the knife in front of him and the eyes filled with fear.

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