Chapter 3.5?

747 27 19

Sector 21, Lungmen Downtown
Forecast: Rainy, 17:37 hours,

Two days passes with a blink of an eye when a mind is focused in coping, between those times brawls occured without guns blazing anymore, party thrown, certain acts of necessary but compusive consumptions by fellow co-worker and delivery work getting done. This time around however, the site of go-to afterwork was not The Ends of the Earth as the van took a right turn at the T intersection two blocks north of the bar contrary to the straight path they usually took, back to the dormitary directly.

Tired out by doing most of the drivings and still recovering from the worn outs stacked in previous encounters, Alex gave in the wheels and free control over to the gear switch to his angelic counterpart under the condition of her not starting a game of bumping cars with the exception of should the Mafia is after them again with vengence. He leans back and stares blankly at the streets again with distraction writen in his eyes after trying to read an action/comedy packed cop comic Exusiai passed over to him, as barely noticable as they are due to the obstuction of the half opened eye lids.

Exusiai rambled about lots of things throughout the entire ride, topics varried to all over the place like she usually does, from new products she caught interest again from another adverisment to her commentaries and guesses on how the plot will go, such as how the two Main Characters will deal with the threats of the antagonists in a funny and even comedic way like the kinds in movies such as Rush Hour and Home Alone.

"Man, the recent copies of the comics are getting expensive, originally it's just 33 LMDs, now it's going towards 45!" She sighed by the time his attention flows back into his senses, loosing the preasure of the pedal and slowly step on the brakes.

"Ehh, It's always like this, it's the oldest trick in the books. Step one, starting it cheap. Step two, slowly raising up the price after the audiences were all in for 'em and step three, tie up the noose and profit as much as they can out of it." Alex squeezes his nasal and placed the comic book at the now opened glove compartment. At least it's a readable comic book, not a piece of paper that could purchase your way temporaily out of the 'Sins' the faithful had with the one true God above.

"At this rate My wallet is going to dry hard from this one, Aww... I quite like this series actually." She pouted, getting the vehicle moving again.

Alex just soundlessly searches through his pockets and flipped out a bar with blue printed package having some brown square and Russian written on it, wrapping around the aluminium foil shaped in a rectangle that is about as long as a palm in his hand. He watched it and fidget the chocolate for a moment, wondering how itwould taste like when compared to Alyonka with its milk chocolate varient.

"Hey, interested in some chocolate?" He purposed, slide off the blue and unwraps the aluminium and expose the first of three pieces of choco into her eyes.

"Hm? Which kind is this?" She replied, stepping hard on the gas as an SUV suddenly attempted to cut them off in the intersection crossing, seconds passed and already the contest concluded in the SUV driver's curse blasted through the windows. "Diǎn zhā chē Ga! Diǎo nǐ lǎomǔ!" The SUV was forced to halt due to him being at the opposite lane, only able to join back into the driving lane when he found a gap in the line a couple cars behind the two.

"Thought himself would be a badass, ended up being a jackass... It's Milk Chocolate, interested?" Alex raised his arm over as an offer, where while keeping her eyes to the road Exusiai turned her head over and take a sweet bite onto the exposed choco, taking more than half of it and the second half of the middle piece hanging between the foil.

He could see her eyes widened with a spark of surprised and later on joy the second after she bit it, the raising corner of her mouth makes it apparent. As always he knows that this could just be another lie like the ones he ran into before, but from the past three days he also came to the conclusion that at least a show of good faith to them for the hospitality would still be benificial in his end of the deal.

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