Start from the beginning

"Really." He said, nodding and placing his two hands behind his back.

I stood up at once and grabbed a thick long wood, not really sure of how it had gotten to the class. He deserved to know how it made me feel.

I raised the wood in the air to hit him, but it seemed like as if my hand had paused and couldn't move.

I stared back at Evan who didn't seem the least worried by the stick I held. I sighed, dropped it and decided to punch and kick instead.

I hit, punched and kicked him with all my might as I let out all my anger on him.

I heard him wince and groan a few times and I couldn't help but let out a smile in satisfaction. I was about to punch him for the very last time when something crossed my mind.

I dropped my hands and turned to Evan, who didn't look very affected by my attacks.

"You're....Why are you...." I sighed. "I'm sorry, you're not the nightmare guy. I was mistaken. He would never let me hit him like this, heck, would he even let me do anything before he strikes.".

He gave a small smile. "I'm glad you finally realized that. Now do you mind telling me how and why I keep appearing in your nightmares?".

"You really don't know anything about hunting me in my nightmares? You don't hate me? You're not trying to kill me?" I asked, still a bit confused. No matter how hard I tried, a little part of me still had doubts.

"Ejiro." He said, holding my hand in his. "I can never hate you, ever, you've been too good to me for me to hate you. And killing you has never once crossed my mind.".

"Really?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes again, still in disbelief.

"Really." He nodded.

His words sounded convincing, yet confusing.

When was I ever good to him?

I wanted to believe him, I really did but I found it hard to. After all, he could be pretending.

"If you don't hate me and you don't want me dead." I started. "Why are you in my nightmares?".

He sighed, then placing his hands in his pockets he shrugged.

"I'm just as confused as you are. And you're basically just repeating a question I asked you" He asked.

I took a deep breath and strolled to a seat as he followed behind me. And as I sat, I told him everything, from my family accident to having vivid dreams.

"Wow!" He breathed. "I-I. . . . . I'm sorry. For, causing you so much trouble without even knowing it.".

"I told you that day, you shouldn't have befriended me, it would only lead to badluck." He said, more to himself than to me.

"I forgive you Evan." I said, giving a small smile. "I just, I just want to put an end to my nightmares. I'm tired of it."

He muttered some words under his breath before raising it and giving a wide smile, showing off his pearly whites.

"Meet me at my house this weekend. I know what to do." He said, as he turned around to walk away.

"Wait! I don't know where your house is." I said.

He turned around and smiled. "No worries, just type your number in here and I'll send you the address."

"Umm, okay." I said, collecting the phone in front of me and keying in my phone number. "Here."

"Thanks. See you tomorrow." He said, and stepped out of the class.

I felt as if a huge amount of weight had just been lifted off my shoulders as I grinned widly at the door, but slowly it morphed into a frown.

Did I do the right thing trusting him?


I finally got home and had changed out of my uniform. I stepped into the bathroom to take an afternoon bath and ate lunch after that.

I came back upstairs to my room with my mother's laptop in my hand as I decided to download and watch some movies on it.

I jumped on my bed as I powered on the laptop. As soon as it did, I downloaded some movies and went over to the video player, deciding to watch one of the animated movies I had downloaded, Encanto.

I clicked on it in excitement as I waited patiently for to load when I felt the vibration of my phone laying by my side.

I looked down to see my phone ringing and stared at the caller's ID for a brief moment.

"Hey." I greeted, placing the phone on my right ear as I stared eagerly at the movie.

"Ejiro, I have good news." Hannah said giddily.

"Is that so?" I said, my eyes still on the laptop screen.

"I'm coming to Edo State this weekend!" She yelled, screaming.

My eyes left the screen immediately as I sat up straight on the bed. "Oh My Gosh! Are you serious?!".

"Of course I am." She said, laughing.

"OMG! I can't believe thi– Wait! How is this possible? You're not trying to trick me are you?" I said, skeptically.

"You're talking like you don't know my Dad's a travel journalist." She said. "He was told to move to Edo State for sometime to do something that had to do with the PDP and Governor Obaseki."

"That's nice."

"I convinced him to let me go with him, telling him I would stay at your place for the time being.".

"That's so cool. I seriously can't wait to see you again, physically." I sighed.

"Me too. I have sooo much to tell you, like the fact that Amelia's gotten a boyfriend." She said.

"She what? Play play Amelia?" I asked.

"Yup, and the guy is in SS3. Though the way things are going their relationship might not last. I mean, I've heard a lot of his classmates say he's a player and I've seen him countless times secretly flirting with girls." She said.

"Why didn't you tell Amelia then?" I asked.

"She wouldn't listen. I told her and then she said I was just jealous because I was single blah blah blah. Like I care." She said, making me to giggle.

"Hmm. Okay oo, I'll be expecting you this weekend oo. This better not be a trick." I said.

"It isn't girlfriend. Bye." She said.

"Yeah, Bye.". And she caught the call.

Gosh! I was so excited. Hannah was coming this weekend!

At least with her around I could actually have a period of peace, fun and a lot of gossip sessions.

The Boy In Her DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now