Little Whinging

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Happy New Year! Sorry the update took so long.

Your Amsrarsma 💜

When the twins returned to Little Whinging, they were fully prepared to meet their furious aunt and uncle, to have their school things locked away and food denied until they were near starvation. They were also prepared to use their powers if they had to defend themselves- because in no way, would they let the Dursleys treat them as prisoners any longer. 

Once they entered house number four on Privet Drive with their trunks and familiars (they had managed to take a cab), they were met with silence. Utter and complete silence. As if no one was home.

The well-oiled door swung silently shut behind them.

The twins stood there, unsure what to do, and observed the scene in the living room before them.

The unnatural quiet wasn't due to no one being home- but rather because the Dursleys had frozen in mid-movement once the twins had entered the house.

All three of them had pale, ashen faces. Dudley had been pouring himself a glass of orange juice and now seemed too scared to tilt the jug back up- his glass was overflowing, the liquid dripping onto the white table cloth.

Aunt Petunia didn't notice. She was too busy remaining in the doorway to the kitchen, her hands carrying a pot of soup which she'd been about to bring to the table. Her thin lips were pinched even more than usual, to the point where it looked like she had a thin line for a mouth.

And Uncle Vernon- we'll, he looked like he'd been drawing a breath and now had forgotten to exhale. His head was beginning to turn purple, contrasting interestingly with the yellow shirt he was wearing.

Should we say something? Periwinkle thought.

Perhaps. Uncle Vernon looks like he might plotz any moment now, Azalea replied.

Just don't overdo it, Periwinkle added. I think Aunt Petunia might drop the pot.

Got it.

Azalea lifted a hand and waved. "Hi."

With a clattering sound, the pot crashed to the floor, expelling thick broth into all directions. It drenched the carpet and some of the wood in the fireplace.

That broke whatever spell the Dursleys had been under.

"YOU!" fumed Uncle Vernon and jabbed a fat finger into their direction. "How dare you- you- you come back here! How dare you!"

He heaved himself out of his chair and marched toward the twins, his eyes bloodshot and bulging. "Do you know the trouble you caused us? Do you know what the neighbors were thinking when I had to explain why THERE WERE MELTED BARS ON A WINDOW OF MY HOUSE?"

Periwinkle and Azalea both flinched. To them, Uncle Vernon looked like a bulldozer charging at them, determined to wipe them off the face of this earth.

Aunt Petunia moved and said something that sounded like, "Vernon, wait-"

"I DO NOT WANT YOU TWO FREAKS TO EVER SET FOOT IN THIS HOUSE AGAIN, ARE WE CLEAR?" Uncle Vernon boomed. He reached forward to grab the girls, ready to yank them out of the house.

Two green eyes began to glow, one golden and one blue.

Uncle Vernon jumped back, retracting his hands as if he'd burned then.

Azalea and Periwinkle silently stared at their uncle, the one who'd despised them since before they could crawl. Dudley had fled the room at some point and Aunt Petunia looked like she sort of wanted Uncle Vernon to calm down, but at the same time didn't want to risk getting in the line of fire of her angry husband.

You know what? said Periwinkle and turned her head to look at her twin. Why do we have to stay here? Dumbledore can't force us, can he?

Azalea returned her sister's gaze. I don't think so. But even if he would-

Both girls fixed their eyes on their uncle, who backed away further with narrowed eyes.

I wouldn't let him, Azalea finished.

"Stop that!" barked Uncle Vernon and waved his hands around. "Whatever that glowing-eye-thing is! GET OUT!"

"Vernon," snapped Aunt Petunia, her sharp voice cutting through the thick air. "They have to stay."

The twins looked at her in surprise.

Did she just- Azalea didn't finish her thought.


"No, Vernon. They have to." The woman straightened up and fixed her piercing eyes on the girls, whose eyes stopped glowing from astonishment. "As long as they can call this place their home," she said icily, "this evil lord cannot harm us."

I would actually prefer to camp in the woods, Azalea said to Periwinkle.

Me too.

"Petunia! They are not staying!" roared Uncle Vernon.

Aunt Petunia pinched her lips further together. "We don't have a choice. Otherwise, what happened to the Potters-," she spat the name out like Snape would a lemon drop, "- will happen to us."

"But think about what the neighbors-"

"Think about Dudley," Aunt Petunia said with a tone that made Uncle Vernon shut up.

"No. We're not staying," said Azalea icily. "So you don't need to worry about the neighbors thinking two freaks are living here."

Aunt Petunia's eyes flashed angrily. "And where do you think you'll stay?"

"We have friends who actually treat us decently and don't lock us in a room without food," Periwinkle said, her voice assuming a biting tone. "It might come as a surprise for you, but there are people in this world who care about us."

She picked up her trunk and turned to the door, holding Atlas' cage in the other hand.
Azalea opened the door and the twins stepped outside. The sky had turned a soft pink, smudged with purple blotches.

"Come back here! Vernon, they must stay," said Aunt Petunia, sounding quite hysterical now.

Periwinkle turned around, holding the doorknob in her hand. "You said as long as we could call your place our home, you'd be safe," she said. "But never in a million years, did we ever feel like this was our home."
She slammed the door shut and froze the lock with a flick of her hand. A blue frost flower bloomed on the grey metal.

The doorknob rattled, then the wood shook when Uncle Vernon threw his weight against it. They could hear someone shouting inside, but weren't interested enough to listen.

"Let's go to Mrs. Figgs," said Azalea. "We can write Hermione and Ron from her place. We'll surely attract some weird looks with our trunks and brooms."

Seze screeched.

"And birds."

Periwinkle nodded and threw one last look at house number 4 of Privet Drive. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were staring out the window, their mouths angrily spouting words they couldn't hear. From a bedroom window above, Dudley's round face peered down at them. He quickly vanished behind a curtain once he saw Periwinkle look at him.

She turned to her sister. "Let's go."

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