The Burrow

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"Pass me the bread, will you?", asked Periwinkle.

Azalea handed her the breadbasket.
"Try the chocolate croissants", she suggested. "They're awesome."

Periwinkle took one and stared at it quizzically.
"I've had one before and it only had a teaspoon of chocolate", she said. "Was a terrible disappointment."

Her sister took a large bite of her chocolate croissant.
"This is more than a teaspoon", she munched happily.

Periwinkle shrugged and followed her sister's advice. She took a bite from the middle and instantly, the soft, creamy sensation of nougat chocolate filled her mouth. Her eyes widened and she looked down.

Ten seconds later, the chocolate croissant was no more.

Azalea and Periwinkle looked at the breadbasket, which held several types of bread and... one single chocolate croissant.
They looked at each other.

"Let's settle this", said Azalea and smacked her fist against the palm of her other hand.

Periwinkle nodded seriously and extended her fist as well.
"Two out of three."

The twins lifted their fists- and shook them three times. By the third time, both had flattened their hands, the sign for paper.

They did it again.









They always played paper-rock-scissors whenever they had to settle something. The only problem was, they knew each other so well, they always anticipated what the other one would do. So far, they had never finished a single game because it lasted too long.

After the fifteenth time, Azalea groaned annoyed.
"Let's just split it?", she suggested.

"Fine", mumbled Periwinkle and lowered her fist.

They were in the Great Hall, sitting at the Gryffindor table. Most of the professors had already eaten and left, the only ones that had remained were Professor Sprout and Madam Hooch.

The chocolate croissant got divided in the middle (after both twins carefully made sure that the pieces were of equal size) and devoured in an instant.

"I think we should go to Professor Dumbledore now", said Azalea and fed Seze some of her leftover toast.

Periwinkle nodded in agreement and looked at Atlas, who was busy drinking out of the pumpkin juice jug.
"See you later, Atlas", she said and stood up.

The owl raised her clear blue eyes to meet Periwinkle's. Then, without a single sound, she flew off, like a silent ghost in white.

"She never hoots, does she?", asked Azalea and petted her raven before she flew off as well. "She doesn't even caw. Or hiss."

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