The school year continues

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Periwinkle spent the rest of March cleaning the other storage rooms. It was a disgusting and dull job. The only interesting moments were when she found jars in dark corners that someone had forgotten to clear away. One was labeled, Bluebeard's nostril hair, 1753.

Hadn't it been for Azalea, she would have died mentally. Her sister chatted with her nonstop through their mind connection and would always add what Ron and Hermione were doing. Snape obviously disliked this, but he couldn't do anything against it.

Azalea and Periwinkle were both unsure whether Snape was truly a mean person or not. Because he did have his good-ish moments. Albeit rarely.

What are you doing? asked Azalea as she sat with her friends on a Saturday in the Great Hall.

Now I'm cleaning out the top shelf, Periwinkle replied. She was still in the dungeons, dusting and organizing.

Enjoy. I'm eating a sunny side up.

Oh, man. That's sounds really yummy.

"Periwinkle's hungry," Azalea told Hermione and Ron, "she's dusting right now."

"When is her lunch break?" asked Hermione.

"In thirty minutes," said Azalea.

"Hey, why don't we visit Hagrid when she's up?" suggested Ron, "We can pack her a sandwich and she can eat it on the way."

"Sounds good," said Azalea and informed her sister. Periwinkle was delighted and the thought of spending her lunch break outside on a beautiful spring day spurred her on.

"What's with the sudden...enthusiasm?" said Snape and eyed her suspiciously. He was sitting at his desk, but was able to watch Periwinkle through the opened door.

"Azalea just asked me if I wanted to go to Hagrid's for lunch," said Periwinkle happily. Then she flinched and peeked at Snape, who scowled. "I mean," she stammered, "she- asked me- earlier-"

"You may go once you're finished," said Snape and returned to his work.

Periwinkle's stomach grumbled loudly.

I have to stay down here until I'm done, she told Azalea gloomily. And I'm really hungry.

Maybe tell him that? suggested Azalea.

Are you kidding? He'll just say I should snack on the termites or something.

Think of the delicious pasta with mushrooms that's waiting for you up here, Azalea teased her.

Periwinkle scowled. "Fine," she mumbled and turned to the door. She approached Snape's desk and when he lifted his head, she said (in her politest tone), "May I have a lunch break now, sir?"

Lay it on thick, Perry.

Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate.

"Have you finished?" asked Snape curtly.


"Then no."

Try saying 'please', Azalea suggested.

"Please, sir?" said Periwinkle nervously and stared at the table when Snape's black eyes bored into hers. "I'm almost done anyway. And I'm very hungry."

A loud rumble broke the silence.

Snape's lips curled. "Ten minutes."

"Can I have fifteen? It takes me five minutes to walk up there," mumbled Periwinkle and bit her lip.

Fire And Ice - Yin and Yang (Harry Potter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now