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It was 3 a.m. The sky was a deep black with a few stars glittering here and there. No one walked on the streets, no cars drove around. All was asleep in Little Whinging. All was normal and quiet...and silent...and dark...

EXCEPT in the smallest bedroom in the house of the Dursleys.

Periwinkle: "Ha! Didn't see that one coming, did you?"

Azalea and Periwinkle had packed their trunks, tied them as best as they could to their Nimbus 2000s and were now attempting to escape through the window.

"Why is this taking so long?", whispered Periwinkle.

"Because Uncle Vernon did not save a penny when he got these!", said Azalea in a hushed tone, her eyes focused on the bars that prevented them from leaving. They had managed to open the window by poking their hands past the metal and now Azalea was attempting to melt the bars away. So far, she had gotten the bars to become very soft and squishy, but they still held.

"If there's a magical prison somewhere on this earth, they should hire Uncle Vernon", mumbled Periwinkle.

Azalea snorted, then refocused in the bars. The golden glow in her left eye and around her hands grew stronger.

"'re scorching the wall", Periwinkle pointed out.

Azalea lifted her hands higher and the golden flames licked at the grey metal. She squeezed her hands between two bars in the middle and pushed them outwards. Slowly, they budged, until Azalea had squished all of the bars to the window frame.

"Ta-daa!", she whispered proudly.

Periwinkle eyed the opened window skeptically.
"Are we going to fit with our trunks?", she asked quietly.

"Yeah", said Azalea confidently and swung her leg over her Nimbus 2000. She felt the wood vibrate in excitement and smiled. Slowly, she directed the broom to hover in front of her window. Azalea pressed herself flatly onto the broom handle and made sure she was high enough so her trunk would make it over the window sill. And then- she was outside.

Azalea sucked in the fresh, lukewarm summer hair and smiled happily. She turned her broom around and held her arm out for Seze. The raven cawed happily and fluttered outside, landing smoothly on her arm.

Periwinkle followed with Atlas sitting in front of her on her broom handle and then the two carefully floated to Mrs. Figgs. They stuck to the shadows and steered clear of the street lights. Their plan: fly to Mrs. Figgs and hope she could take them in.

They landed in front of her house and quietly set their brooms down. Atlas and Seze had remained on their brooms, too tired and hungry to hunt.

Azalea pressed her finger to the doorbell. They heard it ring through the door. After a minute, she rang again.

"She's old", said Periwinkle quietly, "maybe she just needs a bit."

Yet fifteen minutes later and after knocking several times on every window of Mrs. Figgs' house, the twins were sure: the old lady wasn't home.

"What now?", asked Periwinkle as they hovered high above the houses, hidden in the dark sky.

"We need to find some food", said Azalea firmly. "And a place to stay."

Periwinkle turned her head west and thought quickly.
"What about Mr. Ordan's orchard? It has fruits and borders the forest, we could stay in a tree." 

Azalea shot Periwinkle an enraged look.
"We can't steal! And sleeping in a tree sounds uncomfortable."

Periwinkle sighed.
"Well, our birds need food and there's always mice or smaller animals at an orchard because of the fruit on the ground. I prefer sleeping in a forest to sleeping on the streets, so..."
She turned her broom.
"You coming?"

Fire And Ice - Yin and Yang (Harry Potter fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin