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"This is the worst Christmas ever", grumbled Periwinkle as she stared up at the ceiling.

"Tell me about it", said Azalea dully.

Madam Pomfrey had instructed them to stay in bed until the next morning, just to make sure. She had threatened to tie them to their beds if they tried sneaking out again, so now the twins had nothing better to do than stay in the Hospital Wing until Christmas morning. It became quite tedious after a while to stare at the ceiling, as interesting as it may be at first.

Tomorrow, they would be allowed to leave the Hospital Wing, but only with company and at night they had to return.

Ron had gotten the bed between the two and he had left to retrieve his chessboard from Gryffindor tower. Professor Flitwick sat in a chair by the door, but he had fallen asleep.

The evening sun cast the last of its dying rays into the room, before it disappeared behind the mountains.

"At least we can go to breakfast tomorrow", said Periwinkle, trying to cheer herself up. "I wonder how a Christmas breakfast at Hogwarts looks like."

"Maybe there will be some peanut butter fudge", said Azalea, her face brightening. "I've always wanted to try that."

"Me too."
Then Periwinkle frowned.
"Peanut butter fudge for breakfast?"

"Duh. It's Christmas, after all."

They both fell silent, absorbed in their thoughts about desserts that may await them tomorrow.

The doors slammed open.

Professor Flitwick startled awake and nearly fell out of his chair.

"Hello, fellow twins!", boomed George through his hands, which he used to amplify his voice. "You are alive!"

"Mr. Weasley", squeaked Professor Flitwick and lifted a finger. "You almost scared me to death!"

"Sorry, sir", grinned George and approached Azalea's bed. "So, you've got some non-contagious wizard's pneumonia?"

"Yeah", said Periwinkle slowly and coughed slightly. "We- er- we have to stay here at night in case we have another relapse."

"But you can join us at breakfast, right?", said Fred and sat down at the foot of Periwinkle's bed. "You'll get to see our Weasley sweaters in their colorful glory."

Periwinkle smiled.
"Can't wait."

The doors slammed open one more time as Ron entered, his arms full with a chessboard and plates with snacks he'd stolen from the Great Hall.

Professor Flitwick flinched again and he almost slid down his chair.
"Mr. Weasley!", he huffed.

"Yes?", said Ron, George and Fred and turned to him.

Professor Flitwick blinked.
"Do remember that you are in the Hospital Wing. Not your common room."

Ron's ears turned red.
"Yes, sir", he mumbled and laid down the things on his bed. He handed Azalea a plate with chocolate cake, while Periwinkle got a plate that had lemon cake on it.

"Thanks!", said Azalea brightly and dove right in.

"Thanks, Ron", Periwinkle said with her mouth full. "Oh-", she said with relish, "this cake is good."

"We can get you some more", offered Fred, "if Hagrid didn't eat it all."

"Or Professor Dumbledore", said George thoughtfully, "he likes lemony things."

A cough behind them told them that Professor Flitwick had heard that.

Periwinkle and Azalea were still terrified by what had happened. When the Reaper had floated into the bathroom, grabbing them both by their necks and forcing them into the bathtub, they had thought they were going to die. They had struggled, but the warm water had filled their noses, mouths and ears. Their blood had pounded in their ears and the burning pressure in their chests had increased until they became unconscious.

Fire And Ice - Yin and Yang (Harry Potter fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon