Neville's Remembralls

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The morning lessons until lunch passed quickly. When the students were traipsing into the Great Hall for lunch, Azalea and Periwinkle saw their chance. They sprinted all the way up to Gryffindor tower, through the empty common room and rushed into their bathroom. The bathwater was still frozen, as it had been hours before.

"Thank Merlin your legs weren't in the water when you froze it", said Azalea.

Periwinkle exhaled shakily and stepped forward, placing her hand onto the cold ice.

"So, when you iced the water you thought about freezing it, right?", said Azalea and followed her sister.


"Can you try to do the opposite? Maybe- suck the ice back inside you?"

Periwinkle glared at her sister.
"I don't want to freeze my intestines."

"I don't think you would. You're kind of resistant to the cold, remember?", said Azalea and shrugged. "I don't assume you have a better idea?"

"No", Periwinkle sighed and closed her eyes.
Unfreeze, unfreeze, she thought firmly.

By the silence in the room, she guessed that nothing had happened.

Come on, ice. Go back into my...insides. But don't turn me into a popsicle.

"Keep trying", whispered Azalea.

Pressing her eyes together, Periwinkle imagined how the ice cube melted, how the frozen water started to warm up and move around in the tub. She tried to think about how it would feel like if her hand were not placed on ice, but on water.

And suddenly, her hand felt wet.

Periwinkle's eyes flashed open.
Slowly, very slowly, so slowly it was barely noticeable, the ice was melting. But was melting.

The faucets unfroze first. When the warm water splashed onto the ice, Azalea quickly turned them off since heat had obviously not worked when Professor McGonagall had tried it.

Periwinkle lifted her other hand and pressed it to the ice as well, trying to speed up the process. Her hands started to sink into a small layer of water as the top melted.

"Can you work a little faster?", asked Azalea nervously.

"Nope. Don't distract me", said Periwinkle through clenched teeth.

"Right. Sorry."

"You could help if you'd heat up your hands and put them on the ice."

"I've never done that before", Azalea reminded her. "And besides, heat doesn't seem to work against this ice cube."

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape ascended the marble staircase. All of the students were at lunch, which meant this was a good time to try to unfreeze the bathtub.

"Good day, professors", said a portrait as they passed it.

"Marigold", replied Professor McGonagall with a nod.

They reached the next floor in silence and swept up the following staircase. The old
armors of the knights saluted them with creaking sounds.

"As you were", growled Professor Snape when they left the armors behind them.

The armors moved back into their original position.

The more the ice had melted, the faster the process seemed to go.
"I think I got the hang of this", said Periwinkle hopefully, pressing her hands against the remaining ice. Half of the ice cube in the tub had melted and run under the ice, causing it to float upward.
"Lea, can you drain the water?"

Fire And Ice - Yin and Yang (Harry Potter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now