Pretty Handsome Awkward

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It's no surprise to the people at the table, aside from me and maybe my dad, when Taehyung and Jimin round the corner and into the dining room.

I'm surprised, and that's putting it lightly.

Because Jimin has a beaming grin when his eyes land on me, but when I had glanced at Taehyung, he looked as if all happiness was siphoned from his body and directly into Jimin's. Jimin sat beside me, Taehyung placing a dining set from the hutch onto the table in front of him.

"Jimin! Hi dear." I glance at how Taehyung's mom turns to speak to my father. "I hope it's alright, Jimin will occasionally come by for dinner."

"It's quite fine." My father smiles, nodding and glancing down towards us.

"Is this...?" I hear Jimin's questioning whisper, hearing the legs of his chair scrape back as he gives a bow in respect towards my father. "I'm Jimin, sir."

I continue eating, not really caring about Jimin's interaction with my dad. I glance towards Taehyung, the smile he had before leaving the table is nowhere to be seen. It's no big deal. I don't know why I'm bothered by that.

I'm not.

I sit straighter, forcing the thought away.

He can smile or frown, it's nothing to me at all.


"Dinner was delicious." I grin towards Taehyung's mother as she shushes me, guiding me around the corner and deeper into the kitchen.

Dinner has went well, even with the surprise of Jimin showing up. Without having to be told, Jimin doesn't mention anything that could compromise the illusion of the obedient daughter that my father sees. Not a single thing mentioned of last night, not even anything that could have alluded to anyone not being where they were suppose to.

And now that dinner was complete and proving successful, Mrs. Kim wanted some assistance with dessert.

"Thank you, dear. I'm glad you guys were finally available for it. It's been a long time coming." She grins, pulling out the ingredients to make a simple cobbler. "I'm sure it's cliché, but I remember actually having dinners with my neighbors growing up, our families having been so close. And sure enough, once I got to college, I got close and friendly with my neighbor at the dorms." Her grin becomes a smile that lights up her face, Taehyung's eyes flashing in my mind at the pure resemblance.

I accept the items she's handing me, the two of us approaching the island for assembly.

"I fell in love with that neighbor and then not too long after, Taehyung was created."

My eyes widen at her, my hand paused in my effort of pulling the rest of the peach can's pop top back.

I'll be honest, I didn't really want to come next door to have dinner at any point. Even before anything occurred with Taehyung. But now, when my feelings are...

Nope, no feelings.

I just can't believe she's telling me of when she fell in love with Taehyung's dad. It feels intimate.

I'm getting too intimate with the neighbors.

My spine steels up, my eyes lowering to finish pulling the metal top. "That's a cute story. I bet it was hard to finish school being pregnant, or with a baby for that matter."

"Oh absolutely. Fortunately, my major wasn't something as complex as I'm sure your father's was. But because of our experience, we're a bit strict with how we guide Taehyung." I notice as she shrugs, buttering the glass pan. "Taehyung needs to focus on his education. No dating, no parties—it's all for his future and to keep from letting accidents cause anyone's goals to be more difficult to achieve."

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