Game Freak

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After stuffing her own binder in her bag, she closes it up, spotting Jimin watching her as he stuffs his own bag blindly.

That's perhaps why his bag is such a mess.

"May I help you?" She asks, brow cocked up as she pulls her bag onto her shoulders. "Do you need to study more and you're just not wanting to say it?" Mihi asks quietly, watching as he looks down and then back to her.

"I think two hours of studying one subject is more than enough." He gives a soft laugh, the sound pleasing to the ear as she returns a small smile. "Besides, your dad is probably wondering where you are."

She gives a small smirk and shakes her head. "He knows I'm helping the less competent study."

Jimin covers his heart, groaning as if in pain. "You hurt me so much. If I was truly incompetent, I wouldn't have been able to brush my hair this morning."

She snickers quietly, turning to leave. "If you wouldn't have raked your hand through your hair so much, it might look like you did, at one point, brush it."

Jimin laughs quietly, zipping his bag and pulling it on as he follows her out of the library. He speedily meets her side, bumping her shoulder lightly with his, giving her a flirtatious grin.

"You must think I'm blind, Jimin." Mihi smiles in his direction, tilting her head. "You think I don't see what you're trying to do?" She asks as she makes her way down to the bus stop, Jimin hot on her side.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Jimin put up a small act, acting clueless when in fact he knew that she'd be smart enough to see through his actions.

"The sudden interest? She sudden desire to study." She laughs and sits on the bench under the canopy, leaning back slightly as she crosses her arms. "And don't think I can't interpret your flirty messages, either."

Jimin's cheeks tinted pink under her accusing gaze. Of course she had a point, but being targeted for his actions made him feel unexpectedly flustered. "Nope, still have no clue what you're talking about." He turned and crossed his arms, sitting stiff beside her.

She playfully scoffs and rolls her eyes, knowing he'd turn and look at her. "Okay, Mr. Park His-Cock-In-Every-Slot Jimin."

Jimin released a subtle chuckle, making her smirk in response. "That name really travels well, doesn't it?"

"Oh you bet it does." She laughs as well, shaking her head. "If you would've taken half of those girls onto a couple of dates, I bet that number of yours would be lower, too."

Jimin looked her body over, a small grin on his face as he looks away.


"So, are you actually visiting your friend or were you looking for an excuse to follow me home?" Mihi asks as she gets off the bus stop, walking in the direction of her house without sparing the guy behind her the first glance.

"Well, realistically, I don't have to follow you to your house when I already know where you live." The two gave short laughs, him still following a few feet behind her. "And I'm actually going to visit Tae-Tae, thank you very much."

She hums, nodding her head.

Don't strip until Jimin's gone. Got it.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Jimin calls out to Mihi as she starts walking into her yard. She continues up the steps, not sparing him a glance as she pulls out her house keys.

"I'll be there. Perfect attendance, remember?" She speaks loud enough for him to hear, him laughing and nodding to himself as she disappears into her house without a goodbye.

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