Around Me

655 32 15

Being the top student of your graduating class, tied with another student, that would mean that for our current class: I'm rather intelligent.

Maybe that doesn't cross over into people skills?

I watch as Mihi scrambles up and off the bed, gathering my clothes from the floor and tossing them to me before she gathers her own clothes, disappearing inside her bathroom behind the shut door.

The sound of the lock almost reverberates to my ears.

She...locked the bathroom?

I stare wide eyed at her bathroom door before scoffing to myself, dressing quick and quietly as I process the last hour.

Mihi was lonely. I came over to offer company. We talked... I talked. We kissed. We had sex. Great sex. And when we finished... she closed off?


There was something about the sex today that just felt different. If I think about the two other times we had sex, today was a lot less intense in terms of variety. But the intensity in it all felt oddly better.

But why did she close off the way she did when she said that was the best orgasm she's ever had?

"Maybe I'm not as smart as I thought," I mumble, walking back towards the window. I swing my legs over the sill, leaping towards my room and catching the frame of my window. Hissing at the dig of the metal track into my palm, I pull myself inside, glancing around my empty room. My door is still locked, still attached to the wall, so that's good.

Plopping down onto my bed, I reach to my side table, taking my phone when I notice the flashing light.

Dude! – Chim
Where were you last night? I was gonna tell you something!Chim

Right. I don't need you to tell me what I'm sure you'll tell me about. I sigh thinking about last night. The way Mihi had her legs open for Jimin, the way his head buried between her thighs to tend to her sex.

Without a doubt, I was jealous.

But why? I don't know.

I click the chat bubble to reply to Jimin, inhaling deeply as I type out the words.

I was upstairs, sorry. What's up?

I send the text and Jimin's reply is instant.

I bet he already had it typed out, waiting to send.

I hooked up with Mihi last
night. Kinda. But the weird
thing is that she said she didn't
want to have sex, so I hooked up
with Yuna, and Mihi seemed
completely unbothered by that.

Licking my lips, I swell in a bit of pride. She didn't want to have sex with Jimin, but immediately wanted to have sex with me? If that doesn't make the ego swell, nothing will.

Instead of replying to him, I deposit my phone onto the table again, sitting up to glance out the window. Mihi's window is closed, her curtains still open to allow me to see inside, see her laying on her bed dressed once more. I can't quite tell what she's doing, can't see much of anything as she's on her side, facing away from the window.

I wonder what she's thinking.


In all of my years of existing, I've never once understood the idea of inviting your neighbors over for dinner.

The twins are laughing at jokes that Mihi tells them, my eyes lingering as she laughs with them.

"What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?" Mihi asks, leaning slightly closer to my sister.

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