-°~Chapter 24~°-

765 20 12

Word Count: 1,300

Idfk weather this is sad or not-
No One's POV:

Shinso kept swinging with he's capture tape as he held Izuku in he's arm, soon enough they'd be at the hospital and he hoped Izuku would be okay.

By the time Izuku's thoughts had stopped going crazy they were there, Shinso let Izuku go in threw the window sense they couldn't go in threw the front door, Izuku looked back at he's lovers to see if they were going to come in with him, they simply shook there head, with that Izuku opened the window to go in.

Once he was inside he looked around, the whole room was dark but the moon thankfully lit up the room just enough for him to see he's mother, she was hooked up to some machines to help her breath but she looked like every breath she took it hurt her, it hurt Izuku just to see it.

"M-Mom? Can you hear me?" Izuku asked as he brought her hand into he's own.

He saw her eyes look over at him, it made him want to cry but he didn't, he held himself together as he got ready to speak.

"I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, I-I was kidnapped by Kacchan which is crazy I know but he did, he did unspeakable things to me but I held on, I held on because I knew if I let go I wouldn't be able to see you again, I know it won't mean much now but I love you mom, I'm sorry I wasn't there more, I'm sorry I wasn't strong, I'm so so sorry I didn't come back sooner, p-please forgive me" Izuku begged as he began to tear up.

Though he couldn't help but slightly smile when he felt Inko slightly squeeze he's hand, no doubt for reassurance, looking up he also saw her smile at him.

"Momma I know this might be selfish of me to ask, but I need you to let go, I need you to let go so you can go on and go where it might be that people go when they die, whether it's something like heaven or your reincarnated I need you to let go, I don't want you to be in pain anymore, please, let go.." Izuku begged as he allowed to tears to flow.

"I love you.. I-Izuku..." He heard Inko whisper horsley just before he felt her hand go limp.

He could faintly hear her heart monitor give one long beep so with a sob he quickly got up, he gave he's mother a kiss on the forehead before going to the window where he's lovers waited for him.

Opening the window he saw he's lovers looking at him with slight frowns.

"Were sorry for your lose Amor" Sero whispered as he opened he's arms for Izuku.

Izuku was quick to jump into Sero's arms, Shinso patted he's back before pointing a finger to the way of there new temporary home, Sero nodded as he repositioned Izuku in he's arms before both Shinso and Sero started to swing home, Izuku hoped he's mother was happy where ever she ended up.

"You okay Kitten?" Shinso questioned as he stole glances at Izuku.

"I think.. I-I'm just gunna m-miss her.." Izuku stated as he hid he's face in the crook of Sero's neck.

"Well, then let's go home and give you a nice welcome back and late birthday dinner" Sero stated, hopefully it'd cheer Izuku up if even just a bit.

"Yeah.. Let's" Izuku stated.


Izuku looked out as he's mothers casket was lowered into the ground.

It had been a week sense he'd excepted, a week sense he'd said good bye to he's mother, half a week sense they'd found Katsuki's body, half a week sense they'd declared that Shinso had murdered him, 3 days sense it was discovered that Katsuki was the one that'd kept him hostage for over a year, and only a mer few hours sense he and he's lovers had decided staying is Japan wouldn't be a good idea.

They'd stated that after they buried Izuku's mother and Izuku got to say he's final goodbye's they'd leave in a van they'd stolen.

Right now Izuku was simply waiting for everyone to leave the grave yard, the only people left were Katsuki's parents and Aizawa, they seemed to be sharing a few words but only moments later were the Bakugou's leaving, they seemed to be bawling, though Izuku couldn't hear very well, not like he wanted to hear what they had to say.

Aizawa still didn't move, seconds later he looked right where Izuku was hiding, Izuku wasn't to surprised, Izuku simply stayed hidden hoping Aizawa would leave it alone.

"Whoever you are, you can come out now" Aizawa spoke loudly, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

With a sigh Izuku jumped down from the tree he was hidden in, Izuku had on all black clothing with a hood covering he's hair while a mask hid the bottom part of he's face, so Aizawa didn't seem to recognize him.

"Who are you and why have you been watching Inko's ceremony?" Aizawa questioned.

Izuku gave another sigh before he pulled down he's hood showing he's curly hair that was in a short pony tail, then he pulled down he's mask, showing exactly who he was.

"My my sensei, I would've thought you'd know who I was" Izuku stated as he walked over to he's mother's tombstone.

"Problem child?" Aizawa questioned with he's mouth slightly a gap.

"The one and only..." Izuku stated dully.

"We.. We thought you died" Aizawa stated quietly.

"I almost did, fortunately Hitoshi and Hanta were there to save me" Izuku stated as he continued to look at he's mother's tombstone.

"So Shinso did kill Bakugou... I'm guessing it was a heat of the moment type thing?" Aizawa questioned.

"Mhm.. Kinda, though I doubt even if Bakugou wasn't choking me to death they wouldn't ha e killed him anyway" Izuku stated before he kneeled in front of Inko's tombstone.

"So Bakugou was the one that.. Kidnapped you? I didn't realize he hated you that much.." Aizawa grumbled as he himself kneeled beside Izuku.

"Well it might be hard to believe, but he kidnapped me out of love not hate, as crazy as it sounds he stated he did it so we could finally be together, I guess he's breaking point was me getting in a relationship" Izuku states with a sigh.

"I'm so sorry problem child... I wish I'd tried harder" Aizawa sighed as he finally looked over at Izuku.

"No no, it's okay, I managed. Besides I just want to put it all behind me.. Everything that reminded me of him I'll stay far away from... Including Japan as a whole" Izuku stated as he stood up from he's place on the ground.

"Where will you go?" Aizawa questioned.

"Were thinking Oseion, where we aren't sure yet." Izuku told him as he looked over at Aizawa.

"Shinso and Sero are going with you?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes, they refuse to leave my side" Izuku stated with a small smile.

Suddenly Aizawa pulled Izuku in for a hug, he gave him a kiss on the head as he kept him close.

"Guess I have a reason to use my vacation days now" Aizawa stated, Izuku couldn't help but snort as he hugged Aizawa back.

When they released each other Izuku gave Aizawa a bright smile, one that Aizawa knew he'd miss dearly.

"Take care dad" Izuku stated as he began to tear up.

"You to kid" Aizawa stated, only when Izuku had left did he really let the tears fall.

"Please stay safe Izuku..."

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