-°~Chapter 15~°-

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Word Count: 1,266

Implied none-con and torture up ahead

I really didn't wanna write this but I digress, the story must go on!
No One's POV:

When Izuku woke up he quickly realized he was in danger.

If it weren't for he's gut feeling he's sure the chains and cold concrete floor would also tell him how much danger he was in.

As he looked around he realized he was chained to the wall by he's wrists, the room was completely empty besides a chair in the corner and a (what he assumed) to be a closet, a small light bulb that barely did it's job correctly, then to this far right he saw a small stair case which he assumed let out of this place, where even was this? Wasn't where he was before Katsuki's basement? Where was he now?

Izuku uncomfortably moved, which made him realize he's ass was numb, he looked down only to realize he didn't have any clothes on.

A horrified look came across he's face as he started to think the worst, did Katsuki fuck him while he was unconscious?

He started to shake at the thought, then he's head snapped over to the stairs when he heard it open, then walked in Katsuki with a straight face, he had a duffle bag slung over he's shoulder, when he saw Izuku was looking at him (with a glair may I add) he gave a sad look.

"Aw don't look at me like that~" Katsuki stated with fake hurt.

"I can look at you however I want." Izuku stated coldly.

Katsuki's face hardened at the statement, he gave a Tch before he walked over to the what he assumed to be a closet and walked in closing the door behind him, he could hear some things before some yelling, then he walked out with someone else, who was this?

"Izuku, this is my friend, he's going to fix a few things okay?" Katsuki stated, he's said friend looked like a a doctor but a million times more creepy.

The greenette snarled "Fix what." Izuku questioned with venom dripping from he's voice.

"Oh! I'm going to fix your quirk problem, in other words get rid of it" The doctor stated happily, as if he didn't just state the most terrifying thing Izuku's ever heard.

"Y-Your going to... WHAT?!?" Izuku yelled with horror.

Katsuki nodded as he walked over to Izuku and he put tape over he's mouth.

"Shhh~ don't worry, after they take away your quirk we'll have some fun" Katsuki stated as he wiped the tears that were starting to gather, from the corner of he's eye he saw the doctor make he's way over to him with many materials.

Izuku struggled and struggled, he yelled even if there was tape, he did everything in he's power to try and stop it, but it was all futile.

In the end Izuku was knocked out cold, at the mercy of this doctor and or Katsuki.

Nether were appealing...

Katsuki quickly unchained Izuku before he picked him up and brought him to the small closet like room, inside was an operating table, a book shelf with many deferent things, a table with many weapons, and a few little tables with wheels on them that he could only assume was for things he'd be taking out of Izuku, or putting in him.

The blond gently placed Izuku on to the operating table before he looked over at the doctor, who was sanitizing some things he guessed he'd need to take away the quirk, he isn't even sure how this guy would be able to do that but he didn't question it.

He should've...

"I'm gunna go, don't do anything stupid you fucker" Katsuki threatened with a snarl, said doctor nodded.

"Of course, I'll get rid of he's quirk then you can do anything you please with him" the doctor soothed the blond.

With one final look at he's boyfriend he nodded at the doctor as a goodbye before leaving.

Once the doctor knew he was gone he looked over at the greenette with a menacing smile, he knew of this little greenette's quirk origin and how it actually wasn't he's own, he knew the greenette had to be willing to give away the quirk, though he had a perfect loop hole so he could steal it without Izuku knowing he's doing so.

Quickly the doctor tied him down  on the table before he brought he's hand back before he brought it back down slapping the greenette clear across the face, it successfully woke up the greenette.

"Ugh.." Izuku groaned as he woke up, he went to rub it but he's arms were tied down, he tried to get he's arms free but failed.

"My my, what a try but I'm afraid that won't work" the doctor spoke, he's wide creepy smile never leaving he's face.

"Did... Did you already take my quirk?.." Izuku questioned weakly.

"Oh no, not yet. I just want to do something first but you need to be awake for this.." He stated with glint in he's eyes, one that Izuku didn't like, not one bit.

Izuku's eyes widened thinking he was going to torture him, well he was but not in the way Izuku had thought, soon he'd wish for anything else.

The doctor took something that was in a small vile and stuck it into Izuku's forearm, Izuku tightly closed he's eyes thinking it would hurt but it didn't, nothing happened when he was injected with whatever that was, he looked over at the doctor with a snarl.

"The fuck did you do?" Izuku asked, he was frightened but he wouldn't show it, at least he'd try not to..

"Hm? Oh, you'll know what it starts to kick in" he stated, not wanting to give away what he had planned just yet.

The greenette growled in frustration but otherwise stayed quiet, this doctor guy had him strapped down, he was at he's mercy and he couldn't do anything to stop or change it, so he laid there angry and confused as to what this man had planned for him.

Suddenly he's body started to heat up, he could feel he's pants start to tighten at an unexpected boner happened, he suddenly felt horny but not enough to beg for this sicko to touch him, though that was when it clicked.

He put a sex drug into he's system.

"Y-You bastard why w-w-would you-" before Izuku could continue the doctor but a gag on him.

"Finally it's kicked in, I was starting to get impatient." The doctor stated.

Izuku squirmed and tried to yell, scream, curse, say anything at this point, he did not want this stupid son of a bitch to touch him in anyway, but it seems he was powerless to what he'd do...

"I bet your wondering what I'm going to do hmm?" He questioned, though he didn't intend to let him try and answer "Well, what I injected you with was a sex drug of course, but with a fun twist! You wanna know what the twist is?" The doctor questioned excitedly before continuing on "When you cum your quirk comes with the cum! Isn't that amazing?!" He yelled excitedly.

The greenette on the other hand was petrified, he was quick to struggle and try to get out but even when he knew it wasn't working he didn't care, he continued on, at some point he started crying but in the end it didn't matter.

"Now, let's get started shall we?"

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