-°~Chapter 19~°-

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Word Count: 1,153

I know the tags say angst with happy ending... But the urge to make it bad-
No One's POV:

Sero looked at the sleeping purplette beside him, after they'd found a hotel to sleep in they'd quickly checked in before deciding to sleep, it'd been a tiering day for sure.

The second Shinso's head hit the bed he was out, he wasn't even on it fully before he'd passed out, Sero had to put him in the bed properly and let me tell you he isn't light, of course Sero works out so it shouldn't have been that big a deal but for fucks sake how can a purple troll doll be so fucking heavy?!

With a sigh Sero lightly played with Shinso's hair, careful to not wake him up, he wasn't surprised that he'd fallen asleep so quickly, he must've been so worried about Izuku that he didn't sleep properly for awhile so them finally doing something about it must have finally put him if even a little bit at ease enough to sleep.

Earlier before they'd gotten to the hotel they'd seen the news, Shinso had a terrible gut feeling that Izuku had seen it and god knows what'd happened when he did, so they made a silent agreement to try to find him as quickly as possible.

Though tonight they needed to have a full nights rest before they went to do there very best.

They will do there best to find Izuku, that was a promise.

Once more Sero looked down at Shinso, he loved he's boyfriend to death and he knows how they find Izuku will affect them greatly, he just hopes everything goes smoothly.

Sighing one last time Sero laid down, he brought Shinso close to himself before pulling the blankets over them to keep warm.

"Don't worry my amor, I'll bring you home safe..." Sero silently thought before he feel asleep with he's lover in he's arms.


Aizawa looked at the doctor slightly taken a back.

"What do you mean by that?" Aizawa asked with a raised brow.

"What I mean is Inko survived, we don't know how but she did" the doctor stated with a sigh.

"How could that be possible? You told me and the press that it was guaranteed she wouldn't make it past the night, and now your saying she did?" Aizawa questioned now getting worked up.

"I know what I said, I'm very aware of what should've happened, but it seems she refuses to let go just yet, which is weird considering why she's here in the first place" the doctor stated as he shook he's head.

Aizawa himself was confused by this new development, Inko had tried to commit suicide yet now she was holding onto life for dear life (haha)? It's strange, though he guessed even when you've lost hope sometimes it comes and smacks you in the face.

He shook he's head in confusion "I see, anything else?" Aizawa questioned.

"No, that's it I'm afraid, I do apologize if I wasted your time" The doctor stated before turning around and walking away.

Even though the whole thing was confusing Aizawa simply sighed before turning around to leave with only one thought on he's mind.

"Just what are you thinking Miss Midoriya?"


Izuku laid on top of Katsuki as they watched a pre quirk movie called the prom, Izuku's always liked the movie so it was only natural that he watched it with Katsuki.

Though the blond wasn't watching the movie, he was watching Izuku's seemingly completely comfortable look, he hadn't seen that look on him in awhile so it made him extremely happy that Izuku had finally broke to he's will.

After a troublesome year Izuku was finally at he's very feet, allowing him to do whatever he pleases to him.

"Kacchan?" Izuku's voice broke him out of he's thoughts.

Said greenette was looking at him with he's big doe eyes that seemed to hold so much innocence, it truly made him look adorable and irresistible in the best of ways.

"Yeah teddy bear?" Katsuki questioned as he let he's hands fondle Izuku's flesh.

"Are you okay? You've been staring at me for a few now.." Izuku asked timidly.

God if that didn't make Katsuki proud, he was even asking if he was okay now, he cared, Katsuki had to hold back to feral grin that wanted to make it's way onto he's face.

"Yes I'm okay, just thinking about how cute you are and how much of a good boy you've been" Katsuki stated, he had to hold back a satisfied growl at how Izuku smiled happily at he's words.

"I've been a good boy?" Izuku questioned now completely dismissing the movie.

"Yes, such a good boy for me~" Katsuki couldn't help the chuckle that left he's mouth.

Izuku gave a bright smile at the statement, it seemed a bit strained though so Katsuki decided to convince him further by pulling him in for a gentile kiss.

Of course Izuku kissed back only slightly hesitant on kissing him, though once they started kissing it seems Katsuki had thought that was the go ahead for anything else he pleased, so he slithered he's hands down to Izuku's ass and gave a nice firm squeeze to the perfect ass Izuku had, Izuku gave a gasp into the kiss giving Katsuki just the thing he wanted, he slipped he's tongue into Izuku's mouth and wasted no time in making there tongues meet.

As they continued to make out Katsuki moved them to where Izuku was below him while he was on top, all without breaking the kiss, he brought one of he's arms himself up with while the other was around Izuku and still on he's ass foundling the perfectly plush flesh.

Though when he attempted to take it further by putting he's hand on Izuku's pants fully intending on pulling them down Izuku stopped him along with breaking the kiss.

"Don't..." Izuku whispered breathlessly before he opened he's eyes.

"And why not?" Katsuki asked slightly irritated by being told what to do.

"I... I want my first time to be special, on a special day so it'll be more.. R-Romantic" Izuku stated slightly fidgeting with Katsuki's shirt.

"On a special day hm?" Katsuki repeated as he thought about it.

"Y-Yeah! I want it to be a rememberable m-moment!" Izuku stuttered trying to get Katsuki to agree.

With a hum of acknowledgement Katsuki laid himself down onto Izuku hugging him close before giving him he's answer.

"Alright, we'll do it in a few weeks, in a few weeks will be your birthday" Katsuki stated he's final answer as he cuddled Izuku.

The greenette gave Katsuki a kiss on the forehead "Perfect.." Izuku mumbled.

Only a few moments later Katsuki was fast asleep, and Izuku was alone with only he's thoughts to keep him company.

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