-°~Chapter 9~°-

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Word count: 1,111

Just doing a bit of a tiMe sKiP-
No one's POV:

Katsuki had officially kept Izuku hostage for two months, one mouth of keeping Izuku to hemself, a half a mouth of Izuku letting him cuddle him without much fuse, though Izuku had to be under the bed and Katsuki had to out of the room in order for the small greenette to fall asleep, other wise he couldn't even if he wanted to, get a blink of sleep.

Though Katsuki didn't mind, he still got to sleep next to him so he didn't mind, though Katsuki did notice that the greenette was getting thin, way to thin for he's liking, but all the food had been gone so he didn't understand why Izuku was getting so thin so suddenly, but he left it alone seeing as he knew Izuku would come to him if he needed anything.

What he didn't know was that all the food he was making was actually hidden in the last drawer in Izuku's dresser, the clothes that were there are in the closet sadly the dishes were paper so he would just leave them on the floor beside the door, Izuku did eat some things every once in awhile to stay alive but in all honesty he was so weak now, he was so dehydrated, he was dangerously thin, and he's hope for being saved is dropping.

He still had some hope of course, but sometimes hope wasn't enough for the small boy, and it definitely wasn't now.

Everyone else that was looking for him started to lose hope as well, they wanted to believe he was still alive but after two and a half months they're starting to lose hope, only Shinso, Sero, Aizawa, and Inko still believed he was alive along with actively looking for him.

Of course Izuku didn't know that.

Katsuki made sure of that.

It was currently 5:30 after school, Katsuki was on he's way back home though he would've been home earlier if it wasn't for he's "friends" but he wanted to hurry home so he could feed and water Izuku before cuddling for the rest of the day along with the whole night.

Though he couldn't help but think that something was wrong, he didn't know what but all he knew is he didn't like it, so he rushed home so he could figure out what.

When he finally got home he looked all around he's little house, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary so he moved to the inside and started to look all around, there was nothing so he went down to the basement and he looked everywhere, though once again nothing was out of place and no one was hiding, the only place he has yet to look in is Izuku's room.

Carefully Katsuki opened up Izuku's room, inside everything was still in place, and Izuku was under the bed with a blanket held around him protectively.

Everything was fine.

Katsuki let hemself relax as he reached under the bed to grab the greenette that was safely tucked away under the bed, as he grabbed him he couldn't help but notice how skinny said greenette was, he was lighter then he remembered...

Though he desided that it wasn't anything to worry about, as he placed the greenette down on the bed he gave a smile as he kissed him on the cheek, but he's smile feel as he smelled something.

At first he thought it was coming from Izuku sense he's only let the greenette take a shower 2 times every few weeks but the foul smell wasn't coming from him, he looked around trying to pin point where the disgusting smell was coming from, after a few minutes he looked over at the dresser, he started to make he's way over and it was as clear as Day the closer he got the more foul it got.

By the time he got to the dresser he had to hold he's hand to he's nose and plug it because of the smell just to make sure he didn't throw up he's lunch.

As much as he didn't want to he could tell the smell was coming from the bottom drawer, so hesitantly he put he's hand on the nob, after menu seconds of preparing hemself for whatever he'd find he reluctantly opened up the drawer all the way, and it was disgusting.

The drawer was full of food, some was old with mold growing on it while some looked relatively new, but it was all thrown in there, it was all food he recognized from weeks of meals, some looked like they had some bites missing but it was impossible to tell by this point, the smell was horrendous, he doesn't understand how he didn't smell this sooner with how much there was, honestly after looking at it for awhile things seemed to fall into place.

This was why Izuku was so thin, it's because he wasn't eating probably really any of the food he made, this was why Izuku wasn't fighting him anymore, this was why Izuku was so fucking light, but why wasn't he eating the food that was made? Did it taste bad? Did he accidentally put hot sauce in it? It didn't make sense to him.

One thing was for sure though, he had to clean this and he had to do it right fucking now.

So that's what he did, he took the drawer out of the dresser and took it out of the house, he dumped all the food into the garden for fertilizer, then he started to deep clean the whole thing.

Once that was done he went back inside with the now clean drawer then out it back where it was supposed to be, then he began to fill said drawer back up with Izuku's clothes, then he closed it once more.

Then finally he sprayed the room with green apple air freshener.

He was satisfied with he's work, then came the harder part of this whole thing, figuring out why Izuku wouldn't eat he's food, and trying to get him to eat once again.

If he's been doing this for awhile then that'll be hard seeing as he most likely can't stomach much, so he'd have to go threw recovery so he's body will be full of fat again.

Then he go on with he's original plan for there separation of two mouths.

Just a small bump in the road, no big deal, all couples go threw something like this, everything will fine.

Everything will be perfectly fine.

Just fine...

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